local murder suicide

See child support thread

we must work together, because he worked at my place as a maintenance man…I work up front in Sales by the mail room. Just saw him yesterday in the hall- wierd.

oh you work at pcb too? im in the bubble lol

That really fucking sucks.

my wife does she was here telling me about it while I was redaing this thread. Kinda wierd, she knows the bubble. You have the black mustang? That is the only car I noticed up there and a couple scoobies along with a copper daytona.

nah i dont have a mustang. just driving an older accord right now.

he was at the xmas party this past weekend too.

I know a few people who are related to them, They say she was going to confront him with the fact that she wanted a divorce, inside sources think she may have had a boyfriend and the side and may have been sneaking around on him, which i suppose is what made him say he was “…gonna kill her”. I guess he didnt take the news to well. What an ass.

Yea, quite literally only 2 days before the murder.

I found out last night my Fiance goes (did) to school with her!! They were in the same classes at ECCN for Nursing!!! They just had their last Final for the semester on Monday!!!

crazy small world…