Local Rice

Anyone go to the Attack Attack show lastnght i seen allot of rice there flying throught the parking lot

I was in Albany the other day and when I walked out there was an old Chevy Suburban all “blacked” out, parked in the fire lane. He had Escalade emblems on the Front and Back. I would have taken pictures but it was full of 3 homeless looking black guys that looked like they would kill me just for looking at them wrong…

ooo come on dont be scared on the coloreds. remember they’re more scared of you than you are of them.


that rx7 is sex

how dare you take a pic of my sleeper and post it here. lol WalMart turbo badge FTW

hahahah! Is that at Thatcher Park? A good friend of mine “built” that.

1:Purchase TURBZ emblem from WalMart
2:Unpackage and remove plastic from 2 sided tape
3:Adhear to newly turbocharged dumper
4:Gain rep on the internet.

The muffler was $8 on Ebay and is welded on after the stock muffler.

LOL yea that was at Thacher Park

Oh jesus, I think I have 20 or so pics on my phone of local rice

I tend to take a pic on the northway everyday when I see one…

BRB uploading.

Woohooo moar pictures!

All i got for the time being, I think the rest are backed up on my comp…

So this winnar has access and welding skills or knows someone with them, yet cant cut the existing one off and weld that POS in normally? :rofl

“'I’ve seen that one before around Watervilet” -Savanna RX7

Ive seen this car around guilderland


spotted this gem on my lunch break

holy shit i did the install on this turbo badgee ahah.

how can a boat be fucking rice?