im lookin for someone that is selling an automotive lock out kit. i had a nice kit that had about 40 tools in it approx 200 or so dollars worth and i left it on the box of the flatbed and drove away. what i basically need is
- slim jim
- gm tool
- long bar
- wedge
- air bag
- wondertool
pretty much in that order. does anyone know where i can get a kit? ive been searching and im having problems finding some. thanks guys/gals :hitit:
i can see what we have at my work…i know we got the slimjim but idk what else we have
thanks brian thats exactly what i was lookin for. that is where my company gets theirs i couldnt find it though. prob gettin this
i should buy a kit. for as many times as i lock my keys in a vehicle or my brothers it would have been pid off the first week. my brother has owned an integra for less than a year, and has already smashed the side window out twice cause he locked the keys in late at little brother had to get a key from the dealer 3 times last year cause he locked them in.
integra’s suck ass to into. the doors are real tite and have a large doorjam. the worse that i have found is new toyo’s and lexus with the factory alarm that locks the door as soon as you open it. screw that crap. but just remember the lockout kit will be in your car when you lock the keys in your car 
i never lock them in my vw, cause i have to use the key on the outside to lock the door and activate the gay alarm. my truck seems to be the problem.although i’m getting good with it.