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Personally I honestly don’t know a whole hell of alot about web site development.

I can say this in Adams defence, I have him currently making me a site for personal use. I am extremely pleased with the work performed thus far. He has been nothing but professional through out the entire ordeal and very patient with my web development ignorance. I would recommend Adam to anyone with full confidence that he could get the job done. I am having his work evaluated by a third party web development firm as well and they seem to have no problems with it whatsoever :gotme:

I think that everyone has taken this a little too seriously. As we all know there is more than one person capable of doing a task in this world. This rings true in every walk of life the only thing you can do is keep quiet, stay honest and let your work and customers speak for you. Talking about what you have done and acheived carries much less weight than a satisfied customer.

Everyone smile :slight_smile: