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I certainly understand the separation, I’ll definitely have to look into the site degrading gracefully. Gives me something else to do when i’m bored and want to make a quick site for a friend or someone. lol


http://revision3.com/ when disabled is bad…

http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/index.php is worse

but something like

http://www.tomshardware.com/ seems to maintain the structure quite well… but, its ugly…

http://www.sportsline.com/ just all hell breaks loose…

what am i looking for?


Revision 3 is coded correctly. The document breaks down to its core elements in a linear fashion (According to how they are placed in the doc flow). Its readable, you can distinguish between the different types of titles and the paragraph content, the nav is a list, etc. <br><br>Some high profile sites that have adopted web-standards include wired.com, espn.com, gm.com, etc. They are converting by the dozens.

Actually, ESPN and Sportsline are perfect examples, ESPN is coded with web-standards and Sportsline is table based old school html.