lol @ Audi_Sniper

lol at the krautcave… infested with cats!

do you think the reason ass_sniper is flipping out like this is because it really was him? you’d assume someone wouldnt be so defensive if it really was just a mistake

Then whats this remark?


Take this drama next door where it belongs. Seriously though, when I beat up on EVOs I get a picture.

Hey surefag! Your right it was me you fuck.

HAHAHAHA surefag, that is funny

VIETNOW2K4: audi sniper is totally flipping out
xxxxxx59: ha…i’ve herad that before

xxxxxxx5X: Audi Sniper takes shit way too personally…
xxxxxxx5X: talk about wound up…
VIETNOW2K4: no fucking doubt hahha
VIETNOW2K4: it probably was him though
VIETNOW2K4: which is the worst thing
xxxxxxx5X: ahhaha

you guys need to relax. a little over reacting don’t u think? he made a mistake let it go no reason to have a aim convo on the forum

LOL* I love how some of you feel I’m wound up. I live for this shit…

You are so in the wrong on this thread. You just make it worse and worse for yourself pulling excuses out of you ass for posting it now…lol

dude u guy def need tochill why get so pissed if it were not you???
just say sorry chino u got the wrong guy and lol at it

edit: even hitler hates vws…see sig

This stupid shit does not belong in GA. Have your girly-spat in OT If you like…

/\ what the fuck is that? lol

Learn how to read a thread in that case…

ot chino about time ur gf got a new car

because you made youself look like a huge fucking dick in this tnread?

Chino’s just a really sarcastic dude, he used to rip on me all the time. I figured it was just cuz he liked me…or wanted to hook up or something queer like that. There is absolutely nothing to argue over here.

Audi you were right, I should have gotten the ride board from you. Maybe I’ll pick up a set of boots next season.

This is going to be a fun summer…

:word: exactly what i am saying, the fact that you are flipping out really makes me think it was you :lol:

lol this is gay.

you all suck at the interweb