lol @ Audi_Sniper

my appologies, it start as gen auto… then went to emo/v-dub/gang-bang-fest '06

oh well, haha i wasn’t sure if it was him, i guess we will never know :gotme:

Hey you have every right to feel like that… But I think you are a fucking bigger dick to have Hitler in you sig. I really could give a fuck what the point is behind it… Really says something about u…:rolljerk:

It was me…

So if you want to run again PM me and we will do it again… But for money this time…


hm, ok, do I get to run you in my car or does it have to be my girlfriend in her accord??


This was the accord your saying I ran… So it would be the accord we would run. Do not back out now, your saying I was getting on it and not pulling on you. So lets run agin and see if it really was me… And you can drive if you think it will make a diffrence.

its on like donkey kong biotch

baaahahahahahah you just keep making less and less sense to me…

why have you argued so long in the thread, just to anounce it was you now? chino is a sarcastic guy, get over it, move on with life…

if it wasn’t you, you shoulda just said sorry not me, and moved on with life…find something better to do with your time…

but since it was you, just realize that you got owned in the first post, and that’s where it ends…the other 2 pages are all useless because it’s just you beating around the bush, not admitting it was you…

and about that race for money…i have an NA 300zx with shitty compression, and would be glad to write you a check when you beat me if you wanna start putting the money up :wink:

hahaha best post you’ve ever made andy

I actually did clearly say she (as in not myself) was not racing… as she is a girl, with a stock '06 4 cyl accord coupe, who does not get into racing, but sure, if she does not have a problem with me racing her car, lets do it up, 20 bux, why not add some more shit for you to get all riled up about :tup:

I guess i did just proove that you would “waste the gas” and you “would race a stock 4cyl accord”

oh snap.


set it up, should we go to NYI?!?!?!?!?!?!?

If you have a money wager it wouldn’t be wasting gas, since he’d be making money if he won…and no ones going to bet if they think they’re gonna lose, know what I mean?

i’m sorry but do you blow chino in his mr2 or something?

:gay3: :gay: :suckoff:

all day long baby

but honestly i just love douchey threads, thats all

I smell barf :eek: :smiley:

im jealous :gay3:

why dont you guys just fight like real men?

is that what you domestic guys do?

i own 3 cars 2 of which are imports … but i’m a domestic guy? :bloated: i love cars in general .


every (real) man can appreciate the revving of the V8.