London Area members - [wednesday's @ 9:45pm]

looks like i’ll be there too.

Well guys, I know the 07 car season is just around the corner. However, this year I will be experiencing it halfway across the country - in Alberta. That’s where I am now, and where I will be for a while.

Consequently, you guys will need to volunteer yourselves in order to setup upcoming London area meets. Hope there is even more interest out there this year than what we have had in the past. IMO, you should get people from all over the place just so you can rain on London Auto Club’s parades…LOL.


your a little late, leo, we already had one meet and i assume we’ll do it again next week.

what the hell are still doing in calgary? come back to london, you know you want to.

No he doesn’t…

Thats why I’m going out there to live it up…forever. haha

No offense boys, western ontario is fun and all… for a bit. then you get bored.

Now Calgary, well… you got a hot and ‘friendly’ downtown scene, mountains in the background, touge runs (yes, I’ve met guys that do this here) coming up in the summer nights, shinook winds that break up the winter, Banff is just an 1hr away, and a booming economy that spells M$ney Mo$ey Mon$y…!

I will miss our meets though…


looks like the rain is going to hold off for awhile tonight,
huron and addelaide timmis at 9:30 again

I’ll come out.

looks like the rain is going to hold off for awhile tonight,
huron and addelaide timmis at 9:30 again

I’ll come out.

Hey, what would you guys think on a time change? I get up everyday at 5:30am so I’m not a fan of late nights on weekdays. Instead of 9:30 how about 8:30 or even 8? What do you guys think?

i think earlier would be better, that way i don’t have to choose between our meet and the LAC meet.

for instance tonight i won’t be able to stay long since i told someone that i’d meet up with the at the LAC meet later to figure out whats going on with the alarm i installed on his talon.

8 sounds good to me.

see you at 8:00 then
might have some fading daylight then too

sorry guys, i was stuck in hamilton and didn’t get back into london until 10.

hey bro when do you think i can see that light garnish

i’m free all day today, i sent you a PM. just PM me back and let me know when you want to meet up, i have it sitting in my trunk right now.

are we meeting at 8 again this week? i should actually be there this time.

i should be there around 8:00
may 10 or so minutes late, but i’ll be there,
i’m always there…

I’ll come out this week too, I forgot lastweek… almost did it again, wtf happens to my tuesdays?

I will be there this wed night. IM guessing it is at 8 this week too?

yeah it should be 8.

i remember i was supposed to bring something with me this week, who did i tell that i would bring something and what was it? hahah, i have the worst memory.