London Area members - [wednesday's @ 9:45pm]

your bringing that ecu for mark…

yea, that ecu with the daughter board
and you (brandon) had some some piece of hardware you wanted to see if my laptop would recognize

ah, yes now i remember. i haven’t been able to make it up to the shop all this week though which is unusual… so i don’t have the ECU unfortunately.

i should be there and pretty much on time for once too today.

so pete and i didn’t show up today, though all we have left on his car right now is one power steering line, so that should be all cleared up for next wednesday though

well everything is all good on the car now and it’s running very nice minus one small coolent leak which i should have all fixed up after getting back from holidays next wed. well once again thanks for the help mark and next will be the window brendon. looking forward to seeing you next week. thanks for the engine jack kyle.

Wednesday may 23rd
weather is looking good
see you guys at the timmies at 8:00pm

hm, it seems i totally forgot to come this week, sorry guys.

Wednesday may 30th
weather is looking good for the evening
see you guys at the timmies at 8:00pm

today, wednesday june 27th,
who’s up for the regularly scheduled meeting?

i see no reason why i won’t be out.

My parts rolla is being stripped next week at my house. PM or add me to MSN if you want to help take apart a rusty Toyota.

i get out of my last class at 6:00pm, so after that and dinner, i’ll be there

i’ll hope to be out this evening (wednesday the 11th)
and make the first drive out to the timmies with the new the new motor if all is well and it will start
otherwise, i’ll show up late in the saturn :S

Got my car running again.
So I’ll be out this Wendnesday, July 18th, at the Tim Hortons’s.
Hope to see you peoples out there.

i think i’m going to be out of town so i most likely won’t be there.

oh wait, i don’t even have a 240 anymore, haha.

alrighty, lets hold of this week then

we are a go for Wednesday,
same time (8:00pm)
same place (Huron and Adelaide Tim Horton’s’)
see you out there
any questions call at 519.777.8791

I will be there tonight shortly after 8.


something came up and i don’t think i’m going to be able to make it unfortunately.

when is the next london meeting?? i just bought my 240 and im looking to see some other locals. so if we could set up a when and where that would be sweet!