Looking for 2004-2007 STI

Lol I hear you man. I’m on my 3rd motor. Second one was an assembly error from the shop that assembled the motor so that can’t really count. I have almost 8k miles virtually problem free(front 02 sensor, cracked uppipe) on this setup. I’m in the lower mid 4’s to the wheels. Its all in the tune and driving style. I beat the piss out of my car everytime I drive it and it’s solid now that I have a bulletproof tune from John@theshop. Not sure who said you have to worry about the tranny breaking, but I’ve launched my car over 500 times on the stock axles and tranny without an issue. Clutches on the other hand though LOL.

Bottom line, you’re going to love the car. It’ll probably be a love hate relationship.

I’m used to love hate relationships… i’ve owned 2 vw’s. lol

truth, truth, truth.

well tomorrow is the day. Gus did a leakdown test about 8000 miles ago and the numbers were supposedly great. I am hoping to have Adam still do the inspection for me but I have to get it done tomorrow in order to have the car registered this week… so if he can get me in I’ll have it done if not I am just going to go over to precision Auto and do a quick compression test on it with Gus just to give me a little peace of mind… and then going to just have to take the risk. Hopefully Adam will be able to squeeze it in, but we shall see.

Def. cannot wait to hopefully have this thing on the road this weekend. It would be a frikkin sweet bday present to myself… lol. Now to try to figure out how to come up with $1600 for the damn DMV thanks to the money pit called NYS.

scratch that… not 10sec after posting that, Adam pm’d me and we’re all set for tomorrow. I can’t wait… after almost 10years of wanting an STI it will soon hopefully be mine… lol.

Well the inspection went beautifully. Compression test (on a cold motor) showed exactly 150 across the board and everything checked out great. Boxer gave her a clean bill of health which makes me feel 100% times better about it.

So as of either tomorrow or Thursday I will finally have my STI!!! The title was delivered to his parent’s address and then sent out today to him so it will hopefully be there tomorrow and as long as it is, I’ll be taking delivery of it. Def. can’t wait!!!

Will post pics as soon as shes in my driveway.

Was a clean car and was quite apparent that Guss took very good care of it. Glad I could help and nice to meet you today. Enjoy the AWD fun and just keep in mind what I said.

-Good oil
-Oil cooler if you plan to romp alot
-EG33 filter(as long as it clears the headers he used)
-watch the revs

Put a oetiker clamp or at least a better zip tie on that boost reference line off the compressor housing. Don’t want that blowing off under boost.

Car is going to be a shit ton of fun, especially with Byrons old FPG churning away under the hood.

Oh and if you do decide to detune it a bit and ditch the injection just give me a shout and we’ll take care the of mechanical bits, then you can run right over to Morgan and he can handle the tuning of it.

Told you it would be fine :tongue

+1 on the oil cooler. Install a oil temp gauge, see where they are at and go from there.

As soon as Boxer said the oil temp was sometimes an issue that was the first thing that came to mind. I want to pick up the dash pod (replacing the clock) anyways and I’ll need another gauge to fill it up.

I didn’t think there would be an issue, but with $17k on the line, I wanted an unbiased opinion just to be sure.

And it didn’t help that I have a co-worker that used to be a tech for a few different dealerships was telling me horror stories of the meth injection and how the only reason it was ever used was to cover up detonation… but hearing that it was used simply as a safety upgrade rather than performance upgrade helped a bit.

You can piece together a kit using a Mocal cooler for under $300. I’m pretty sure Adam knows the required parts.

Did mine in the Evo for 200, however if the OP is not comfortable building hoses/brackets I’d highly suggest having Adam do it.

Yea, when the time comes I’ll def. have Adam at least point me in the right direction.

T-minus roughly 3hrs til the car is officially mine. Then off to DMV tomorrow to get my a$$ raping by NYS.

Hmm. I’ve never left the DMV feeling that way:ninja But yeah, unless you’re 100 percent confident in your abilities, have Adam do the cooler because a busted line (or any other kind of big leak) will=dead motor

The bank wants a copy of the bill of sale so there is no cheating the system on this one. Gonna have to pay the full 8% tax plus the title fee. Only thing I’m going to save on is that I am just transferring the registration from my old Golf… which still has the old plates FTW!!!

your also a former rx7 owner.

twice actually.

Yeah, so give them one…:ponder

Yea, I now I could do 2 different copies but I don’t feel like dealing with it so I’ll just be a good citizen for once… lol