Looking for 2004-2007 STI


LOL j/k Kenny.

if I do get it, and it does go “tick…tick…tick…BOOM!” Then I’m coming after you for jinxing it. I will blow up your corrolla and kill us all from tetinis (no idea how to spell that shit)

thats fine, then I can haz new car sooner then September :slight_smile:

but we’ll all die from tetnis when the shards of pure rust fly all over… lol

Thats ok LOL

The car was owned by a professional mechanic. It was well maintained. If there was anything wrong with it, it would have been fixed by Gus. Just enjoy the car

I know its like beating a dead horse but Howard from Redline is a professional mechanic, would you trust him?

Telling someone to trust them when that person doesn’t even know them is not easily done and since when did getting a second opinion ever become a bad thing?

I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?

I have no doubts in gus’s work and i told him that. I just want to make sure the motor wasn’t pushed too far and on its last leg. I doubt there will be any issues but I want to be sure before I dip 17.5k.

Compression/leakdown test?


When people buy their own cars they tend to want them to last. 17k is a lot of money when you have other priorities in life.

Pocket change

chump change

I think adam does the compression and leak down tests in his pre-purchase inspections.

LOL@“professional mechanics” in the import t00ning world.

I’m LOLing at him wanting it to last 6 years. It’s a built Sti, not a stock civic. Good luck to you sir. It is a really nice clean car for a good price.

Ouch! Are they really that bad? Fuck me, I’d never buy one if they are bad as people are saying. I’ve had substantial mods on everything I’ve owned and never had reliability issues. Come to think of it, the worst car I ever owned was a stock ‘97 Legacy GT. Fuckin’ thing broke every other week.

Some model years ‘blew up’ bone stock:crackup

I can dream if I want to… lol.