Looking for a Commercial Storefront

I know some of you guys deal in real estate. My store is currently located on route 9 in clifton park, the shitty end of route 9 where walk in does not exist.

We got a call, someone is looking to buy us out of our lease if we so choose to let them. Wondering if anyone of you know of a good resource or can help me locate a storefront, or just an office in a high traffic area, first floor is a must, looking for At least 1000sqft though a little less, or more is doable…

Thanks for the help fellas.

Have you tried looking into working with someone yet? I know a couple of guys that work at Trinity Real Estate. Their main focus of business is commercial real estate. They may be worth giving a call.

Talk to love4boost. He’s looking at opening another store, maybe he’s be interested in finding something with two stores/offices and you could both save some money? No clue. Good luck.


How about in Clifton Park Center? Seems theres a few open storefronts there

lol, was looking for a store to open up for lance…

I’d search craigslist… downtown albany on central has a bunch of cheap places too

what ever you do avoid leasing a unit if they are owned by Lerner-Heidenburg Properties

Werd i’m just sayin if something with two storefronts was another 25% on top of something with one, you’d both benefit. Or all three of you i suppose.