Looking for a Dentist. A GOOD ONE.

firehawk853’s dadda


People love to recommend their doctor to you. I don’t know what they get out of it, but they really push them on you.

“Is he good?”
“He’s the best. This guy’s the best.” There can’t be this many “bests.” Someone’s graduating at the bottom of the classes. Where are these doctors? Is someone somewhere saying to their friend, “You should see my doctor, he’s the worst. He’s the absolute worst there is. Whatever you’ve got, it’ll be worse after you see him. The man’s an absolute butcher.”
And whenever a friend refers a doctor they say, “Make sure that you tell him that you know me.” Why? What’s the difference? He’s a doctor. “Oh, you know Bob? Oh, okay, I’ll give you the real medicine. Everybody else I’m giving Tic Tacs.”

~jerry seinfeld


George Carlin did a bit on Doctors once… He said something to the effect of (From the Carlin @ Carnegie) “Somewhere there is a the worst doctor…and someone has an appointment to see him tomorrow…”

Bumping this old thread…

I have had a wicked tooth pain stopped by aspen dental on the BLVD.
Come to find out I need, a root canal and a cap which I kind of figured, they also want to pull my wisdom teeth, fill 5 minor cavitys, do a gum cleaning. to the tune of almost 7K but hey they have a great payment plan…

Im thinking about a secound oppinion before spend all that cash. I need to get this sorted out as im not sleeping and even working hurts right now the one cavity that needs the root canal is right down to the Nerve.

Maybe try one of the dental schools. I remember years ago looking into it when I was without insurance. Things were deeply discounted and there was a legit dentist there the whole time watching over. Can’t remember what college did it though.

      • Updated - - -

https://dental.buffalo.edu/Patients/BecomingaPatient.aspx might be worth the $54 to save a couple thousand

my mom used UB dental… and has had a few issues but her mouth is a mess… so im not sure she is a good one to use as a guideline… and i live up the street from UB dental school… im just not sure about the waiting time… but i might call and atleast inquire tomarrow…

it just makes me sick to think im going to spend more on my mouth then my last 3 cars combined :confused:

That’s terrible man, I’m sorry to hear, Wisdom teeth were TERRIBLE for me, but 5 cavities and such that’s rough. I’m going to guess you don’t have insurance?

Anyways I go to Como Park Dental in Lancaster

But without insurance, I’d seriously consider going to UB’s dental school.

Ive got health insurance just no Dental :confused: and Ive been neglecting my teeth last cleaning was 5 years ago… and they wanted to remove my Wisdom teeth then… but they have never bothered me. they now are convincing me my gingivitis is caused by my lack of ability to clean them so they should be removed before an infection starts and i need more involved surgery.

Damn dude go to the dental school, those bills rack up fast as fuck in the dentist office, I believe just for pulling teeth back in 2007 when I had my wisdom teeth removed it was 800$ a tooth.

Having dental is clutch. My daughter broke a tooth playing this summer and ended up needing a root canal. Cost me a $10 co-pay. That’s the main reason I work at this shit job. But great benefits.

My wife’s cousin runs the UB dental school. The other cousin is Gambacorta Dental. Good experience with both.

Just had dinner with Joe last night, I like all the Gambacortas. Who “runs” the dental school, just curious so I can bug them for a raise.

I would NOT go there or any big name dental group…they are shady. UB Dental is less costly but you’ll be spending lots of time here, that’s the trade off. There’s always a trade off.

If I’m not mistaken, Joe runs it. I don’t see him often as he’s always busy or out of country.

Joe is a great guy, always on trips providing services to those in need, yep. He’s in charge of clinic functions.

Yeah, he’s been around for sure.

Ugh I need to go to the dentist. Its been years. No pain but that 7k bill story is one that worries me.

I could recommend an endodontists (root canals), but he’s in the Rochester area, but was very good. My guess is not worth the travel.


The moral of the story is that you need to take care of your shit.

I had an 8k bill because I did not go for over 10 years…and dental insurance is a joke…1k per year to use up.

Now I am on the plan of regular check ups and cleanings, stay well within the insurance provisions and have no worries.

Its been over 2 years for me. Making an appointment now.

I haven’t been since I ventured out west. ugh.

I brush and floss daily. I love flossing. But I also eat candy, drink coffee, and fall asleep drunk without brushing more often than I’d care to admit here. Haha.

well made an appointment for UB on monday… will see how a secound opionion goes… and im glad i can help everyone to get there teeth maintenance in gear…