Looking for a job in ontario

Hey Guys,

Not sure whether or not i put this in the right section so mods if needed transfer it to the proper section.

Im currently living in montreal and im looking to leave the province and move into ontario. Now im looking for a job with good hours and good pay. Im a very hard working and positive person. If any of you fellow sonners know of a place that is hiring it would be great.

My automotive knowlegde is good but also limited so a mechanic job isnt likely, Im a good salesmen tho if that counts for anything.

Thanks, Simon

Jobs.gc.ca, and maybe check for a job that requires a bilingual rep? Something along those lines would be a sure thing to find somewhere.

looking for a jon? like a hooker? just kidding.

Yeah i fucked up on that one, i edited but didnt seem to good so now it looks bad on my part.

Thanks Feint i will be checking out the site right now!

Specific location?
i think my bro-in-law is hiring… not sure…
cool guys, nice office (right beside Yorkdale Mall)
im onot 100% sure if he is hiring… but pretty sure he told me hes looking for some help
email him through the site…
PS… dont mention me… LOL otherwise my bro might think ull end up working as hard as i did…LMAO…

with any and all job searches its a good start to point out what you are actually qualified to do.