Looking for a job? Snowboarding?

“Are you kidding me??”
1st point: Did I threaten you? lol jerk me off. My attitude is who I am, when I choose to be all yuppy and down to earth is when I grow up and get a real job. You know? Goto college and get out of these part time jobs? Or have you still found yourself doing the job of a monkey? And why I got banned was a joke aswell, “dj go fuck yourself” or whatever his name was got played so hard at their own game. I guess if I sat around and make songs off other peoples talent I’d be cool too.
2nd point, I hate Steve, his business ethics are completly fucked and him thinking Burton is going to make him a million dollar man, he’s nuts also. I work there because it’s a job, and in the summer I work at Red Door in willyville. A few people on here got hooked up and I don’t see being rude to them at all… Well I don’t know how you deal with customers but I’m not going to suck any dick to try and get someone to buy anything. Most of all I just don’t care, people are stupid. But if anyone is on here and needs someone I’ll hook em up, but you obvioulsy believe that I represent the whole stores past.
3rd Point: No I will not take down my avatar, because I’m only 24,000 points from my next rank. It’s a fuckin video game. Disrespect? Say that to my family and you’d be barking up the wrong tree. Soldiers are tough. I wouldn’t want someone with manners and a gun over seas “Oh my god, I shot you, I’m so sorry” “Do you want me to blow you now?”