Looking for Car Appraisal for Insurance Purposes

Ok so here is the problem, my insurance company doesn’t cover vehicles that are over 15 years old with comprehensive coverage, since I don’t drive the car in the winter and stays in the garage, I can’t afford to insure my winter beater and the 240. So as a work around the insurance company said they would cover it if I got an appraisal, Anyone know of a good place to get one done quickly and cheaply? I called a place from the book and they quoted me 210! I’m looking for something below $100 if possible. I just want them to tell my insurance company that it is worth like 3g’s and call it a day.

Any Positive suggestions are appreciated!

www.jdm-imports.com recommends Thornhill Automotive Consultants.
http://jdm-imports.com/faq.html and http://ca.geocities.com/mjzack/