LOOKING for cheap daily for friend asap

I like how his defense towards MK4 30R kindly giving him advice to shut up and dont step to John, was you dont know me and never met me. YET, he contridicts himself and calls john out above the same way. I know you havnt met John and dont know him either.


He escliated this with EVERY post hey submitted. He is the agressor, defending or not. He called people out first, and then threatend the Shift 518 bouncer first.

And more so that giant reply back a page ago was full of golden comments that tell me you DVR every eppisode of Jersey Shore and act them out infront of the mirror on a daily basis.

Yeah seems like a nice kid…

-Has been brought up a little pip-squeek in the city, prolly got picked on constantly.
-Acquired a pistol and took a bad ass my space pic to look cool…
-On his Eminem wana be “rap” career myspace page.
-got sick of getting picked on so he juiced and got his swell on.
-CPD has a beef with him for whatever reason.
-set fire to a teddy bear or some shit and burned an apt up. (that entire myspace blog is gold btw)
-hanging out at the gym with all the “milfs” while benching 500lbs made them all wet, so he bangs them.
-Bragged about DPing some milf with some other guy, but luckily the balls didn’t touch so its not gay its “cool”. (first thing that comes to mind the is falvis pic with backnee girls LOL)
-must be 100:0 in the ring because he said he will not have a problem with ANYONE stepping to him, dude there is always someone out there that could/can/and will prove that wrong.

  • list goes on, and this is all shit HE SAID ABOUT HIMSELF in the last few days.

Go talk to Tony Canton, maybe he will give you a ride to Golds in his ZR1… you can both get your swell on, talk cars, money, milfs, and have a grand old time. The rest of societies “normal” people here that don’t strive to attract attention and look like a general douche bag can just sit back hiding behind out computer screens from you and laugh.

Sincerely, Shift 518’s #1 140lb pussy ass member jealous towards big bad ass men, their money and ballin ass cars.

Maybe you need to reread this thread… and probably all of the others. Im certainly not acting like a tough guy, im simply defednding myself from jealous, shit talking hating members on this site.

my dick is HUGGGGE

I’ve read them, and I’ve slowly lost what respect I had for you. Granted, I don’t know you, but everyone gets the benefit of the doubt at first. Of course, you don’t care what anyone here thinks of you as you’ve stated multiple times so my lack of respect for you isn’t even relevant.

You’ve repeatedly said that you have no interest in this website and that you have ways to contact the few people you like talking to from here, so why the fuck are you still here if you’re not being a tough guy? Your only reason for being here at this point is to talk shit and tell us all you’re going to beat up slowmarro and anyone else who says you’re a fuckwad. Shit is ridiculous, and no one here is impressed or intimidated. Get the fuck over yourself.

krazy kiddddd:number1

Well said.

simple fact is. hes 21, and thinks he is king shit and we need to reach around and tug when he asks for it.

man this society is getting dumber at an alarming rate.

When I was 17, most of the 12 year olds were retarded and most of the 21 year olds were smart, well behaved, respectfull people I looked up to.

When i was 21 the 17’s acted like they were 12. I watched alot of my friends get dumber and act like idiots.

Now I am 27 and the 12 year olds are bringing weapons to school, stealing cars (my car actually 3 months back) the 17’s are in jail for round 2 looking at 7 years (my car shit which WE here at shift help put behind bars), the 21’s are THIS GUY.

Anyone see that trend too??? Mr Scrapper, if your not apart of the solution, your apart of the problem… GTFO.

Krazykid plus 1? I suppose everyone on this site must be a rat then… The guy pretty much openly admitted that he is a rat and has helped “rat” to the police department. This is something I would NEVER do.

Krazy kid, after reading your third or fourth comment down I’d really apprechiate it if you would just leave me alone. Im actually kind of scared to talk shit about you now after you just said you would give the cops info and help bring people down lol… Please… just leave me alone, no need to comment on this comment im typing right now, even tho im sure you will.


cant, you deleted all of your posts remember?

your right I will. :lol

Liston dude… many will contest that I got out on limbs for MANY people here and give them ALL the benni of the doubt, way too much sometimes. All my replies were towards you basically showing you, you might want to chill out. It seems once a month someone new gets on here and wants to “fit in” and end of shooting themselves in the foot. Or have been on here for a while and decide to act like a dick, a few jump in and press the buttons to see how they take it, and if they dont take it well, its game on, sharks come out to eat.

I wouldnt turn you in for shit I have no idea about. I used my connections to put an end to some things a few times on here, amongst friends for real shit. People buying stollen parts not knowing, people trying to sell stollen bikes, my car, and other shit we could prove was fucked up. if you have nothing to hide, dont worry about it and nothing will happen.

unfortunatly, you sorta already went off the deep end… people dont forget around here. Ask Travis Kotch, he had 20 different screen names, and is prolly reading this now… we figure out and dont like continually dealing with bad apples I guess.

just chill, i guess is what I am trying to say.

This thread was soooooo close to being dead. Thanks for coming back in and reviving it scrappy.

your telling us to go re read all this shit, why dont you type it and make it plan and simple to read in the first place ya jabroni

cossey i do not hate you
bumba1scraaapa i do not hate you
but i do like the picture of the wittle girl with the gun

Sincerely, Shift 518’s #1 140lb pussy ass member jealous towards big bad ass men, their money and ballin ass cars.

#2 checking in.


Shift weaklings crew FTW

I know! I said the same thing last night




omg thats fucked up!!! lol