looking for new site name ideas...

Hey everyone,

Here is a little background info. I have been programming for about 10 years now, about 4 of those years doing more indepth coding like PHP, mySQL and things like that. Back in Ontario, I ran my own music site that was quite large, and had users on it from all over the world. The site has since been shutdown mainly because I was moving out to Edmonton, and simply didn’t have time to maintain it, and use it.

For the last several years, I have become very interested in import cars, and more specifically Skylines. Now that I have got settled (new place, my fiance is out here with me, and working a good steady job) I have free time, and the itch to do another website.

Now, I’m asking for some sitename ideas from anyone that might be interested in participating with me and the new site that will soon be online.

thanks for your help,


A good porn site never fails.

www.midgetanalgangbang.com :anal

How about www.nissanskyline.ca ?

haha, very true.

The new site will feature users that share a common interest in modifying their cars, and especially users that have imported something from Japan etc.

There will be a section dedicated for our local community, as well as everything else from the rest of the country/USA/wherever else. You will be able to have your own personal profile as well as a “your garage” type feature where you can upload and share photos and information about your vehicle.

There are a ton of other ideas I’m coming up with for this, I just can’t seem to settle on a domain name for the site.


We need a www.turbohonda.ca :E

Nah tuners with a Z. Where all us banned folks can convene.


b’cuz, Japan is in the shape of a banana.



BTW: Wow, you really do use stuff in RL that you learn in school,

grade 2 was the best 3 years of my life.



I hate to say it, but the banana tuners thing is funny…

FLOL! I actually second the use of www.bananatuners.com


Sorry bud, not gonna get much input cause your about 5 years too late on the idea…most here are like me with too many boards to read as it is, and as for skylines i believe gtrcanada.com or .ca or something along those lines got that covered…the first reply got it pegged, porn site, free porn with a fourm like phun.org…you’ll make a mint off advertising in the multi-billiion dollar industry and there’s tons of wankers willing to moderate it for ya, lol…if i had a clue how to create a webpage let alone a fourm i’d do it, then sell it to google for 1.6 billion…lol