looking for pictures of the Garage5 S13.5...

I recently borrowed a DVD called Grip Video, volume 4. In it they show a S13.5 built by Garage Five in Vancouver. Does anyone have more pictures of this car. I love the color.

I found their website, http://www.garagefive.net/ , but they don’t have any pictures.

rootbeer gold one?

it was all over NWN a few years back, likely still is

Yeah, dark gold/copper, what is NWN?

North West Nissans.

And just email garagefive for pics. And then post them here. So i can move them to Car media.


DONT POST the pics…link them so he wont move them to Car Media!

Just because you posted that, he’s probably going to move the link to car media anyways…

Links still get moved to media dude, because they’re links TO media.


it couldn’t have been prettyer than this car

Are those Zenki fenders with Kouki headlights?

looks more like a skyline front end to me…

I thought so too, but then i figured…who would do that?

yes it is an R32 front end. the guy is in Montreal and competes in Drift Mania with the car.

riced out playas

that car was on the cover of SCN back when it was still around. I still have that issue. It was also in the show smallville. Its not that nice I’ve seen it in person a couple times.

OO, there was a thread on here about that car, i didnt realize it was the same car. HAHA, there was a video of a duplicate car that was made, and they blew it up or something on Smallville.

Search it up, should still be here.

hhhmm smallville … hhhhhmmmm kristen kreuk :smiley:

I f*cked her before she was famous.