Looking for property in the southern tier, be on the lookout!

Just as the title states. Looking for some property in Cattaragus or Allegheny county for hunting etc. I would want all mineral/timber rights etc. Vacant land is fine, i want to build my own cabin. Must have electric access. Help a brother out!

Arcade has a shit load of land fs all over, ill try and grab a number tomorrow for you. Also in wellsville there is a crap ton of land too forsale heading towards bolivar.

Arcade is meh. I would like to be more south of there. Bolivar is a nice area, my uncle had a place there years ago.

Ok I’ll keep my eyes open I’m always in that area everyday. Bolivar is nice but the people from that town are of a breed I have never fucking seen before.

Thanks man i appreciate it. Yes, Allegheny county is a strange place. My friend has a place in Cuba/Friendship and the neighbors are a riot.

Good luck. I have been looking for something reasonable for a couple years. It sucks not having a good place to hunt.

I have/had a great place to hunt in Great Valley that my grandpa purchased in 1979. Has a natural spring and everything. Problem being he just passed and now my carny relatives are fighting over it and the price to buy them out is more than i want to spend/can afford. I believe he paid $1200 in 1979 and its valued at over $70K now.

No problem. I’ll text ya a number or info tomorrow. Yea friendship is fucking weird, although I must say they have a girl cop and I would love for her to handcuff me, she’s probably the hottest girl in the whole town.

Well thats probably a given considering the other cop is Barney Fife.


My dad lives in Birdsall, I’ll have him let me know if he comes across anything.


A.) Use an easy realty website like http://www.nothnagle.com/default.aspx and search by zip code. Anything in the MLS system for that zip code you will find.


B.) Go physically drive around the actual area you are interested in. A lot of times I find that people put land up for sale but it’ll be by owner and not in the MLS system.

I drive in the southern tier everyday, hence why I offered to get numbers and pics for him :).