Looking for some foam filter matieral for air/oil separator - help!

Im looking for a sheet or cube of some foam material, or something similar to the foam in this picture, for an air/oil separator that Im making. The piece in this pic is from a Moroso air/oil separator that I bought but dont have room for.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.



i know its not foam but ive seen those stainless steel kitchen scrubbies used with good results for a separator.

what size tubing / what application is this for. the 11$ home depot air compressor oil separators work quite well and are small.


ya, Ill prob just use the scrubbies.

This is for a long term vacuum pump setup Im working on. So the fittings will be -12AN.


yeah… a little bit too much air to be drawing through a air compressor oil separator. :slight_smile:


are you making a catch can?

Actually Im making a air/oil separator to go between my valve cover and vacuum pump, and a catch can for after the pump.

Wait… where did your post go? (silvergt)
