Looking for someone to touch up some wood

looking to find someone who could do some repair work on my kitchen table. obviously i know it would be a pain to fill/smooth the spots but im more looking for someone who can smooth out the sharp areas and maybe blend them in close to the rest of the table.

any of you guys do that type of stuff on the side?

heres a pic

In for touching wood.

Just get a sanding block, some wood filler, and a light oak touch up marker. It wont look perfect but it will be way less noticeable.

Start off with something like a magic eraser to remove the smudged paint, or go at it vigorously with a rag and some cleaning solution. Most of the marks will just look like depressions in the finish… and then everything tpgsr said for the really bad spots that remain.

thanks for the insight. i was planning on doing something like that myself. just wanted to ask here first before i tackled it