Looking to hold a bbq end of this month SAT 25th


sure. I will bring the skeeter so you and Mike can ditch the party and we can hit the water.

I’m down to help whoever is bringing the smoker set up if needed

DeathbyRT can vouch for my pulled pork skills

I think this is the same day as the Hoosick Valley car show. Much rather go to this though

Yeah this time of the year is tough to hold anything like this with all the good shows also going on in the area. Plans are set to have food ready around 3-4, but there will be treats throughout the day. Hopefully we can have a good turnout and make a good time of this.

where is your shop located?

I gotta bring my parents to the airport, should be able to stop by after that!

Ill deff be there the wife wants to go

I’m there unless kk is going to be using analogies.

i’ll be there after i get finished at LVD

west Guilderland on Rt20

Updating the OP and Ill post it here too.


230 Western turnpike Altamont… get directions here: http://shift518.com/showthread.php?t=26899


  • Starts at 2PM. Sat 8/25
  • Burgers and Hotdogs will be cooked as requested, walk up ask for one, wait 5 mins and eat!
  • Pulled Pork will be ready around then too we think. Smokers being fired up at 7AM and apparently it takes like 7 hrs to cook. So 2-3PM and they are ready too.
  • Solid foods above are free. If you want to bring chips, dips and whatever that would be nice. I’ll have a giant container of icy cold sodas and waters. $1ea. Or BYOD
  • Alcohol IS NOT ALLOWED. Sorry.


-No parking on the grass, unless this gets too big then BE DAMN CAREFULL NOT TO SPIN THE TIRES!

An RSVP here: http://shift518.com/showthread.php?p=987797#post987797 Would help me get enough burgers, dogs, pork and drinks so just a “yep I’ll be there” would be nice.


Wish I could make it, but ill be in PA until Sunday. Hope it goes smoothly!

bummed i’ll be gone for this

Did this evar happen? Forget why I missed it.

you guys should do this again, i missed it last time

Bump. We missed the event by 3-4 hours, showed up late and everyone was GONE!!! Please plan another BBQ!

and please plan it before august 14th!

Werd, went to this and it was a good time. Would def go again!