Losman, a Raider

ohhh the suckiness:


I feel the same way I felt when he was in Buffalo. He sucks, every qb buffalo has had since flutie has sucked, every qb before flutie since kelly has sucked.

3 things you can count on in Buffalo, the qb will be blind folded. The offensive line will take every single sunday and monday off, and the person who takes all the returns wont be taught about fair catch or touchbacks.

Yeah Jack Kemp sucked…


i agree with this part… i loved the magic flutie dust. it was entertaining at least. the rest of these turds has been nothing less then :fail:

Jack Kemp was since Kelly? The only things he did since kelly was run for VP and die.

And the day they chose Johnson over Flutie is the day i became a Charger fan. forever.

Lol I misread. And yeah, I was a Flutie supporter through and through.

He’s better than what hey currently have. Seems like a good move since they can’t get much worse.