My friend lost his beagle up in Clarksville today. He has no tags and isn’t chipped. His name is Buddy and he’s about 3 months old. If anyone runs across a stray beagle with a collar and no tags, it’s a longshot but hopefully someone will.
good luck
Cute dog. Hopefully he’s found or comes back on his own.
Thanks and yea I’m hopin he comes back, problem was he was about 7 miles away from his home. My friend’s friend opened the door to his truck and RIGHT as he was going to put his leash on he bolted out of the truck
awww man i feel bad for him… hopefully he finds him. good luck broski.
aw man… sorry to hear that
When I lived in AZ my GF had a Beagle named Buddy:(
Awww! I’ll keep my eyes open! Try putting flyers in the supermarket in Voorheesville. The people in that town LOVE to find strays!
man that sucks, good luck…cute dog
where abouts in clarksville, i know lots of people out there
he turned up this morning
Awesometastic woo
good stuff
HAHA you should know where it is then
is the boston terrier preparing for rape?
most likely…looks like henry!!
has that dog calmed down yet?
nope!! bastard has a.d.d
A.D.H.D… you have A.D.D.