Lost keys to 1998 Deville

It does have the “Passkey” (maybe Passkey II) key that apparently makes it hard to start with anything but that keys it comes with. I can’t find my spare set, my other set will probably be lost until a thaw.

Anyone know of any locksmiths that can make a passkey and program it or am I looking at having to have it towed to the dealer and getting reamed.

Could I be a cheapo and have my 1998 firebird key with a resistor in it programmed for the caddy? :stuck_out_tongue:

Just start cutting and tapping wires. It works in the movies.

I’m pretty sure you just go to the dealer with the registration and ID and they can make you the correct key with the chip…

These damn security chips are such a pain in the ass, because they are tied into the pcm, lock cylinder, and key. Last year when my friends car was broken into, they stole her lock cylinder after breaking it out of the car with a screwdriver, so I rigged it up to read the original key’s signal by soldering loops of wire around it, and hooking that up as an antenna to the antenna that broke when they snapped the cylinder out, and then attached a new cylinder to the column with new keys, etc…, spoofing the signal. It was a fucking adventure, and I was so proud that I got it to work in only a day!

For your situation, I would do what Justin said, and go to the dealer. Since the only thing missing is the key, that is the most simple item of the system to replace, just expect to pay a few bucks for it:banghead:


“oh boyyy your fuckkkedd!!”

Edwardo,the registered owner needs to go with the rev and the title to the dealer. They then can get you the chip code which cost 30 bucks. Then they will cut the key for another 30

Call a chevy dealer, with your VIN, and they can make you a copy. need your title, and license though.

lol big ed

I went through this with my old '91Z. the dealer will NOT know what resistance is in the key. There are 15 different ones iirc. The dealer WILL be able to cut you the pattern. Those keys are not common either. I called a locksmith and gave him the pattern from the dealer. He met me by my car and inserted 2 small wires into the column along with the key and turned. Click, nothing. Then he would hit his timer and wait for 3 mintues, while adjusting the wires to the next resistance. 11 tries later, we got it, lol, VAT #11. Luckily he DID have a VAT#11 blank on hand and was able to make me a key. It was 65 bucks or something.

Joelster I think you r think of the really outdated system

yes he is, hes thinking of the older style like in 3rd gen fbods

Hopefully your pops got his pack of Camel unfilterds out of the golve box befor you guys got locked out!! :slight_smile: P.S. Expect to get crunked again this St. Patties Day BIG ED!

Alright 60 bucks total, for door and ignition key, the door keys work in everything but the trunk (haven’t used that lock in awhile so it might be froze, wd-40 i guess is my friend). Registration, ID, Title worked. I guess by the VIN number they can tell what resistor you need, but if the lock cylinder has been changed since it was new the resistor changes and then they have to do something like Joelster said.

St. Patties day is trouble…:slight_smile:

I left the glove box open getting the registration and the battery died so I had to jump it…which kinda sucked because I had snow mounds at the front and back of the car…touching the bumper…that were almost as high as the roof. I left a little red shirt hanging from the window to show broken down but apparently the town just wanted to send me a message. A little side slide action got her out :slight_smile: No digging required.

Thanks guys.

Im not sure if you were told this but passlock 2 the resistance is in the cylinder itself so all you need to do is be able to turn the ignition cylinder the key itself doesnt have any chip in it. So once you get a key for it you should be able to have just a key cut at walmart or homedepot for 2 bucks. dont let the dealer tell you its going to cost 50 buck a pop. I deal with them all the time and they are all crooks.

I see a little black chip right on the key, I know to have a remote start you have to hard wire the key’s resistance to the lock and then it doesn’t matter what chip you put in.

I tested it with my resistance checker to see what it was, I now have it writtin down…of course I’ll loose that and be screwed down the road.