Lost Key. what do i need?

ok i’m quite certain i’ve misplaced the key for the civic and am not going to find it any time soon. what i need to know is:

how much will it cost?

what will i need to bring to the stealership with me?

Anyone that has a hookup or can get me a deal somehow?

Thanks all

what is the year of ur car?

are you 100% sure that you don’t have a backup?

you can easily make a duplicate for 6thgen civic on walmart…7thgen’s mobilizer key, you gotta make it on the dealer…

if ur the first owner of that car…try to find the paper “key” which contains the combination to create new key…

hope this helps :slight_smile:

ps. try to search ur key again later…you may find it…lol

it’s a 95 5th gen

100% i only had 1 key

i could get a copy if i had the odiginal easy for a cupple bux

not the first owner

i haven’t seen this key in almost 2 years … maybe a little longer i don’t know …

that’s pretty bad…

im not too sure how thats gonna work then…maybe there’s a way to create a new key using the key cylinder? or maybe you’ve to replace the cylinder…hm…

u need VIN…call the dealer they can cut one with just the VIN they keep that shit on record…dealer keys are like 5 bux since urs doesnt have a chip in it…
i had to do this with my old maxima…they may ask for proof of ownership which is no big deal…i lost my keys in a snow bank

cant you take the lock cylinder to a locksmith and have them make you a new key. Might be cheaper than the dealership

But at same time, it’d be easier to just have a stealership cut a new key using the VIN to retrieve the pattern.

$5 dealer key > taking shit apart when u dont have to

damn it’s only 5 bux at the dealer? i thought i was going to have to pay way more … well one thing i need to do today then … now to find the tittle…

wow, they can actually create one based from the VIN?? u sure its working for the old cars?

that’s hella nice…

i wanna try it too…lol…

kk end result for peopel that don’t know total cost to me was $2.71 after tax … so FYI it was dirt cheap … and no anywhere near worth the time searching for the key.

see told ya…i got the nice key with the plastic thing just like brand new or Nissan charges more than Honda…mine was for a 96 Sprfreek 95…so Karu waht kidn of car do u have

Can you take it to any dealership? I.E. If its a chevy, can you take it to any Chevy dealership?

That was funny… sorry, carry on. :rofl:

yup…i bought my car in Florida and got a key from a dealership up here

ahhh, nice