Lot......or not?

We have to make a posting or something and then make a list of people who plan to attend. None of this “yeah ill go” then no-show nonsense.

For sure. If people actually show up, I’m sure it’d be a great time.

Of course, and without the riff raff of the McD’s lot :lol

Yeah, it sucks that the immaturity of a select few seems to often cause problems there. I’d personally rather just hang out with a smaller group of friends. I have no problem telling someone off if need be, but I normally bite my tongue if I have my car, out of fear of vandals.

I’ll be at PnR if people go…

…doing burnouts and what not.

So we have travis, chris, and maybe Joey bein a squirrel lol

We will have problems if you do a burnout near my car. No offense, just throwing it out there.

Yeah, a smaller group works for me as well, especially if I know everyone.

This weekend is lookin to be a bit chilly and possibly rainy, maybe in a few weeks when it warms up even more we can start scheduling P n R meets.

Until then McTrashalds is gonna have to do :lol

At this rate, I’ll have my car by August, so no biggie.

:rofl I laffed

calm down

I’ll just blow donuts and shit on the other side of the lot

I’m totally calm. If you need to act stupid, do it elsewhere.

ill stop out some. I’ve been in Flordia for the last week. Every friday, there is a organized car show. Tons of cars showed up, parking was split into “classes”. Police were present and guess who I ran into! Dan Quinn and Bad Billy. Dan just moved down a few months ago. Sold the vega and Billy was visiting.
Its just too bad there Isnt something like this where people can hang out. Its like a Guptills car show, but every friday night.

Thats bull


Yeah, that shit is nice. If we all put in effort, we could set up something like that here no problem I’m sure.


I am NOT calm about that, ha.

No doubt, theres some nice cars around. The only problem I see is getting the word out to the respectable members of the “car society” and keeping the riff raff away.

Yeah, it sucks that has to be worried about. If somehow you had to pay a small fee to hang out, that would help…


Nah, there aren’t as many nice cars that people have out all the time like there are in the South. I go South atleast 2-3 times a year and see like 3 times as many cars out on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday night than I see out on a Friday or Saturday up here.

True, but there is enough to set something ‘official’ up. Plus, once the word was out, more would come out.