it would be nice to get some of the oldies out to the “new” lot and hopefully keep it moron free for atleast a little while.

The old guys dont want to be associated with us ‘kids’. They think everybody on this site is an asshole and dont want anything to do with it or the people on it.

hell yeah you would get drop kicked in a second, or backhanded lol… there are too many “cop callers” nowadays. i wish court could be held against them right in the street, but with these times, its unethical. if i was one of the “muscle car” guys, i would def. be ready to punt some fucker for causing shit. problem is that the lot is so far gone that there is really no changing its downward trend. it is just crawling with stupidity, and children. if your like me and you have a family and such, physically beating someones face in is just not worth it anymore in most cases.

Its turned into a highschool hangout lately. Worse now than ever before. I dont think half the kids there have a license or even like cars.

there was kids there that were no joke around 10 at like 2 in the morning

Yeah, Ive seen them before. Some were on bikes too.
No supervision at all apparently.

Maybe Im getting old but the crowd at the lot sure seems to be getting alot younger.

Just stay away from there. I have been and will continue to do so.

That stretch of Central Ave in Colonie is scumbag central. Theres a trailer park right nearby, the Skylane Motel (enough said), a bunch of abandoned rundown buildings… why anyone would want to hang out there in the first place I haven’t a clue.

the reason ppl hang there is because its like central to the capital region in between alb/shdty guilderland/latham

because its a good central location. On a main road and easily visible.

Ive been to other lots and its just not the same.

The trailer trash inbreds and motel pedophiles arent the trouble makers at the lot.

It’s not in a good location at all. It’s a shithole.

but there are about a dozen sex offenders living at the skylane and blubell motels. its nice getting the piece of paper in the mail telling you there is a handful of scumbags who will molest your kid. why the fuck aren’t these pieces of gentic trash in prison where they belong? sorry for the offtopic rant.

so whats a good location in your opinion? Somebody that goes to the lot twice a year not liking our location.

Yeah, my dad says theres tons of them in those shithole motels. They shop in his store too along with the crazy trailer park people. Apparently theyve served their time already. They really should be castrated before being released.
Theres a guy that looks like the Unabomber that swats imaginary bugs too. Ever see him?

Exactly. It’s not off topic because it’s right up the street from the “lot.”

There is nothing of interest in that area other than a parking lot. Why not meet up by a lake or someplace nice and not white trash? Grab some nice food and then race around afterword if that’s what you want to do. Standing around in a McDonalds parking lot is not very classy IMO.

Down on LI they have meets in much nicer places. The Cobalt meet I went to was at a Ruby Tuesdays parking lot. We chilled outside for a bit then went inside for drinks/food. That was an awesome time and there was no drama.

there has been a few times where a few of us will meet up during the week hang out and go out after and its been very drama free/fun.

Yeah. I went once back in late spring and it was fun, but a lot of us work (including myself) and or dont have time to meet up during the week.

Theres not really a lake close to the centralized area were in and where would you hang out at one anyway? It would need to be somebody’s camp and therefore probably only a small group would be able to go. Not the same as a parking lot.

Drama is going to follow us anywhere in this area it seems. Drama or nobody at all.

Saratoga? The state boat launch is open after hours and has plenty of space.

I was just using it as an example but you get the idea.

Try putting it into context. If a coworker asks me what I did over the weekend, the last thing I am going to want to tell them is “I hung out at the McDonalds parking lot.”

Good luck getting anybody to go all the way up there every weekend though.

Small lots/groups just suck. We’ve tried it before and its just boring. Always the same group, nothing new and nothing happens.

Yeah. I just don’t want to be affiliated with that crowd at the lot hence why I choose not to go there. Not my cup of tea.
