loud sounds

haha yeah that was fun (Y)

and yeah thats broken rod.

cough cough

knock! knock!
Who’s there?
Rod who?
Your rod bearing thats who!

Next time goto canadian tire and buy some oil before you get a knock from rod!

hehe i love motors

well thats not good news. So any ideas on cost to fix. Or how to fix it. can i get at it from removing oil pan and all that. or we talking a bunch of gayness a foot.

p.s like i said befor it does not make the sound when downshifting. if it was a busted rod or bearing, wouldn’t it still make the horible sound when downshifting?

okay… downshifting has nothing to do with that sound… Basically you hear it at idle but not at very high revs because its inaudible.

You don’t sound overly technical (no offense if you are) so I would say this is something you need a pro to fix as it required alot of very specific procedures and know how.

I would GUESS its a $800+ job. Its also covered under warranty if it still has any.

I’m pretty technical when it comes to cars; especially when it comes to 240’s but I have never torn apart an engine down to the pistons, and I’m ify when it comes to a car not of my own.

800 sounds cheap from what I understand needs to be done.

p.s explain this inaudible, it does not make sence to me as to why I would not hear it.

honesty, honda motors are diry cheap and for the amount of work nessisary IMO you should just upgrade the motor… go with somthing bigger ie if i had to do this to a ka id just go sr…

I wouldnt recommend changing a rod bearing yourself with no knowledge of the car your working on. I would figure the cost would start at over $1000 depending on how bad it is, has he been driving around on it like that for a while? If so, not only will the bearing need replaced but also the rod and the crank will likely need to be machined/replaced. this would require basically a complete taredown of the motor.

Its probably not cost worthy to buy a new(used) engine though unless you would be doing the swap yourself, since it is the type S K20A2 or w/e their fairly pricey. Theres really not much to upgrade to either, I dont know the capatablility of the K23 or 24 into the Rsx though

Good luck

Thanks guy. I supose sometimes u gotta loose some money from time to time. :frowning: