Lowballing in Car For Sale Posts

But why though what do you get out of bashing someones for sale thread id ont get it? So if the price is crazy you need to stir shit for what reason? If you think the car has issues of some type then pm the seller. If the seller still wont discolse issues i cant say i would be against the opposing member posting it. Meh i dont sell anything one here anyhow my only view is i see some of you guys messing up FS threads and it seems its only to start some drama for no reason.

i agree, and have been trying to keep tabs on people about it… i know i’ve warned/banned a few people about it already

if you’re going to post an item for a rip-off price then expect to get shit.

most of the shit-givers are interested but want a more realistic price. It’s called negotiating.

Sellers sure don’t complain when people comment about “Wow, that’s a great deal”.

Here’s an idea. If you don’t want people commenting on your price, go post your shit on autotrader.com, craigslist, or the Buffalo News… not a DISCUSSION FORUM.

From here: http://nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41735

Seems like a good middle ground. :grouphug:


No comments / shittalking … but no ability to keep it bumped either. A decent compromise.


Sellers sure don’t complain when people comment about “Wow, that’s a great deal”.

Here’s an idea. If you don’t want people commenting on your price, go post your shit on autotrader.com, craigslist, or the Buffalo News… not a DISCUSSION FORUM.


thats exactly what im saying. You don’t want comments don’t post it on a discussion board.


think if some noob comes on here and says I want 2,000 for this computer because it is super fucking amazing. Now most of you are car people and don’t know jack shit about computers. I am sure you would appreciate someone that does know to say holy fuck that is only worth $100 get the fuck outta here before you buy it at half price because you think you got a good deal.

again - you want a for sale ad with no comments - autotrader.com, its a bigger audience too, have fun. You want a FREE listing, you get FREE results :slight_smile:


As an objective reader, it’s usually clear which comments hold water and which ones don’t.

Yea i guess you are right. There have been some good supporting points on both sides to be honest. I guess it is just my preference to keep it to myself and if it bothered me alot i would pm the person i guess.

Generally if the price is reasonable and someone makes a BS claim that it’s a ripoff the board members are quick to point out that the price is right. If you’re getting a whole lot of people telling you your price is a ripoff and very few saying it’s a good deal chances are your price is a ripoff.

And isn’t protecting your own what a community is supposed to do?

if you get offended by someone posting a message on an internet forum its time to step away from the computer and do something besides sitting in front of the comp. all day. its a forum board its not that serious. ur going to ban someone for speaking their mind thats rediculous


if you get offended by someone posting a message on an internet forum its time to step away from the computer and do something besides sitting in front of the comp. all day. its a forum board its not that serious. ur going to ban someone for speaking their mind thats rediculous


That’s great advice, be sure to enfore that if you ever start your own forum. The rules are in place, if you have a hard time following them, maybe you should be posting here. :gotme: I don’t know what to tell you.

You want to speak your mind, do it it OT as that has been designated as free for all.

Depending on how much crap there is in FS threads, people will get a day ban or a month. I am sick of it, the rest of the moderators are sick of it and the members are sick of it. Case closed.




. its a forum board its not that serious. ur going to ban someone for speaking their mind thats rediculous


or they could just throw a brick through your window… since “its not that serious”

understand that its NOT “just the internet”. You are talking to real people who live, work, and roam around the corner from you.
You never know who you are talking to and to assume that person thinks/feels the same way you do is ignorant.
People need to use their fucking heads before they open their big mouths.


It’s NOT “just the internet”. You are talking to real people who live, work, and roam around the corner from you.
You never know who you are talking to and to assume that person thinks/feels the same way you do is ignorant.
People need to use their fucking heads before they open their big mouths.


:word: It’s not make believe, it’s just another medium for communication. Face to face, telephone, internet. It’s all real people. I’ve been thinking about this lately and as a result have been trying to be less of an ass and more like face-to-face self. Buffalo really is a small town.

As for the classifieds, it’s really pretty easy: If you’re genuinely interested in purchasing, you post. If you have relavent FACTUAL information, you post. If you have an opinion you genuinely feel could be helpful, you shut the fuck up because your opinion doesn’t matter.


:word: It’s not make believe, it’s just another medium for communication. Face to face, telephone, internet. It’s all real people. I’ve been thinking about this lately and as a result have been trying to be less of an ass and more like face-to-face self. Buffalo really is a small town.

As for the classifieds, it’s really pretty easy: If you’re genuinely interested in purchasing, you post. If you have relavent FACTUAL information, you post. If you have an opinion you genuinely feel could be helpful, you shut the fuck up because your opinion doesn’t matter.

