
people should get a warning, then a temp-ban for stupid comments like this…

just my 2 cents

PS - I’ll admit right here that I shouldn’t have said anything in 240_Foz’s Xbox thread… the rule should simply be that any offers to buy or trade should be by PM only, as well as no price policing or bashing peoples items… period.

thier is a distict difference sometimes between ‘bashing’ and consumer awarness… no examples come to mind, however I have seen allot of FS items that are either misleading or untrue in thier ‘details’. Good fourm policy by users is to make others aware of possible issues, in a responsable way ( eg: no flmaes, but questions)… If someone is selling something and throws a fit because of reasonable questions about pricing or item description/content… then the seller should not be trying to sell an item on the fourm. Both seller and ’ inqiuring poster’ must be willing to provide justification/reasoning for staments/counter statments.

however Lowballers are the cancer of any buy/sell fourm. people who do lowball , like the above example, on a repeated basis should be made aware that it is not acceptable, with an escalating series of punitive measures… PM’ed lowballs should be subject to the same rules. They are useless and annoying to 100% of sellers…

I agree 100% about buyer (and seller) awareness. We’ve talked about this in another thread in Front Desk and come to the conclusion that it is fair to say a price is too high if you say it in a responsible manner and provide links and/or other evidence to back up your claims.

Someone was selling some used rims for the same price you could grab them from any local dealer so I posted a few links, etc. and nobody got upset about it. The seller said thanks for the clarification and revised his price.

As far as lowballers go, I sell here the odd time and I gotta saw - I don’t mind getting low-ball offers as much as others do. If I’m selling something for $500 and someone offers me $200, I might say something like “Sorry I’ll go as low as $400” - they can take it or leave it.

Worst case, just ignore them - what does it matter. Sure you wasted 20 seconds of your life reading their post or PM. Poor you :-/

(not directed to anyone in particular, hehe)

Like I said if the part I’m selling is not what I describe, or I’m outright lying about it, then it is definitely the duty of other members to point it out… but just because you think that part is no good, or my price is slightly too high, doesn’t give you the right to crap on my thread. Caveat emptor man, buyer beware! If you don’t do research before buying something, it is no ones fault but your own, the way I see it.

caveat vendidtor also applies… it’s NOT a one way street, the seller does not have all the rights. As long as someone has a a valid argument based on something tangible, then then that someone has the right to point out an error/omission/or question validity… whatever the case…

I was selling a set of new RPF1’s with new rubber, $3K was the asking price. People jumped up and down on it saying they could get them for 1/2 that. It was then pointed out that the sizing width wise and offset wise was not avaible in north america they came from japan direct, brand new… with brand new rubber included… what was asked was what was paied…

Althought the attacks and flames were childish and petulant, a valid account of the why’s and how comes was provided…
If people are still going to attack over the same issue then you have someone who is abusing the system… same as a lowballer, same as a ’ buddie bump’. Rules are only good when enforced… So far the buddie bumping has not been reproached and seems to still be going strong.

lowballing in threads shouldnt be accepted. Keep them to PM…thats my opinion as a seller i wouldnt really care or take the time to respond to someone who lowballs me. Unless your getting Pms dumped into your inbox all lowballs then it should be reported and the lowballer Pm’d and warned. U cant live in a world without lowballs…thats how ppl strike deals as some people over price their stuff knowing their going to get lowballed and get roughly what they really wanted and the buyer is all proud because he didnt do his research but thinks he hit gold cuz he got the buyer down from 100 to 60 bucks…or sumtimes sum1 is desperate and pays the full price.

There is no way i can monitor threads for lowballers, and im not going to judge how low is too low.

So i leave it up to the seller to deal with lowballers. Ignore them, insult them, whatever. It’s not my perogative.

its a tough call.

the best way to handle it is when someone lowballs you you tell them no, and when they offer you more give priority to others who were curteous enough not to lowball you.

in the past i have received significant low balls on brand new products and i simply replied with


and nothing else.

other times i went so far to say

“no, and when you offer more you still cant have it, even it is my asking price”

my father is a chronic lowballer, needless to say he doesnt have anything he wants.

that is the way it should be.

the only way to fight lowballing it to never give in to it.

Jacky Ngai has a rep for never accepting lowballs or even offers that others might consider not so much of a lowball. as a result i felt compelled not to lowball him on some of his stuff.

I certianly dont accept lowballs and i am sure that John (Jammin), Phil and Andrew dont accept them either. in fact Andrew would even accept lowballs from me and the dude owes me mad curry…lol

Lowballing is obviously a problem, but its one the mods cannot be responsible for.

Its not feasible for us to decide what is too low of a price and discipline
people who lowball. Unless it gets to such a point where it is abnoxious, we
will leave it up to the seller to do as they wish.

When I sell items I normally post the price as OBO. People also know I will
not accept lowballs, so people tend to make me a reasonable offer. When
parting out my car, I gave alot of things away for a reasonable price, got
asking price for several others, but refused to take any stupid offers.
People now know I won’t stand for it, and that I’d rather hold onto parts
or give them away to friends than take a lowball offer.

Bing is right. Put your foot down and make it clear that you won’t accept
unreasonable offers. If you do this, people won’t lowball you.

Its the easiest way around it.