I would normally figure this out myself, but I’m mr. mom this week so… is it possible to lower the steering rack about 1/8" - 1/4" in my car? I know it bolts to the crossmember, but is it set up that it can be lowered without cutting the crossmember?
no,why do u need to?
I just like to move stuff around.
Oil pan (Canton) is sitting on the rack. Hopefully causing some of my false knock issues. Some people’s hit, some don’t. Canton “hasn’t heard of problems with it”. :rolleyes: Seems to be their standard answer for all problems. Even though on their own website it says this:
STYLE: 7-1/2" shallow, fully baffled for road racing, this pan was designed to fit in late model (82-92) F Bodies, (93-Up) F Bodies might require the steering rack to be lowered or the engine mounts shimmed. Makes a great late F-Body Drag Pan. Can be used with cross-over exhaust. Pans can be notched for steering clearance on a special order basis.
I’ll probably just shim the motor mounts.
Thanks for the reply!
shim it up buddy,need anything just ask!
Wouldn’t mind borrowing your LT1 lifting plate again.
I’d shim the motor as well. If you lower the rack you going to bring more bump steer into the equasion.
:bigthumb: I’m on it! In a few days…
Might be that my mounts are sagging from age, but I’ll start with a few hardened washers for shims instead of $200 worth of mounts.
bump steer is fun :bigthumb: