LS1 Reliability?

I’m looking to pick up a used C5. Preferably a Z06, but if the price is right I won’t pass up a nice Targa. I am seeing them priced around $22,000 with 65k +/- miles on them. Some are in really good condition but have closer to 100k on them. How reliable are they? I’ve never seen a Vette broken down on the side of the road, and I’ve never really heard of any problems. Would buying a cheaper C5 with 90k+ miles on it, be a hassle? I mean there are some with 120k on them, that are really priced quite nice. I imagine they can handle abused pretty well. When should required maintence be done on them? Thanks - Ben

Those are good questions. Keep in mind that the original owners of vettes are USUALLY wealthy, older people. It’s much safer to assume that the car has been well-maintained, garage kept, dealer serviced, etc. It may not always be the case, but it usually is. The LS1 aftermarket is freakin HUGE. That being said, I would save some bucks and go with a higher mileage car. The reason being is that should you have an engine related problem, the options for you on a rebuild are numerous,without breaking the bank, and the number of people in the area with expertise on these motors is growing. You could grenade the motor and be up and running stronger in a short period of time.

It will be easier to find the car you want if you’re not too worried about mileage. It’s true that most 'Vettes get cared for very well by their owners. Just keep in mind that even a well maintained car will start to need things replaced when the miles start to pile up. When electronics fail it aint cheap. Also, normal stuff like tires and brakes are pricey. There is a thing we call the “Corvette Tax”. It refers to the high price of parts and labor that we get socked with 'cuz people think we’re wealthy 'Vette owners. I think it’s a matter of pay me now, or pay me later. A lower mileage car should be less expensive to operate. If you plan to mod the car, you can use the money you saved by buying a higher mileage car to do that. I would compare insurance rates for Z06 & coupes. You may be surprized. Check out Section on C5’s will answer many of your questions. Go to Bowling Green Kentucky and tour the assembly plant. It’s something you wont forget.

:tup: thanks guys. I’ve been reading up, and it seems as though they have no problem reaching 200k. When should waterpump, timing belt, and all that good stuff be done?

keep reading, lol.

There is a guy that lives by my parents that has been daily driving a C5 for the last 7 years, and by daily driving I mean 365 days a year its his only car. snow tires for the winter etc.

It has well over 100k and has been very reliable thus far. Just like any car its hit or miss, some have lots of problems @50k while others are good til 200k

dont think just because 2 or 3 ppl on a forum have 150k mile vettes that it means ALL vettes run good up until then.

it also doesnt mean that other parts(outside of motor), will not break down.

after all, its a domestic car.


Yes, the LS1 is reliable, as is the C5, but like stated above, any car will need general mait. taken care of. Cept on a Chevy it’s easier and cheaper.

i don’t think many people got it.

To answer the questions:

Are LS1’s reliable? Yes

Are corvettes reliable? Yes

Assuming its stock… What can i expect to replace (eventually)? Probably the clutch

Can modify them and still have a reliable vehicle? Absolutly.

Should you buy a corvette? Yes.

What do you know about fast LS1s :mamoru:

Those damn LS1 timing belts :frowning:

The timing CHAIN is never a problem. A high mileage vette will be fine. :tspry:

heres what i found when i was looking for my car:

LS1s are not about miles, its who owned them before. you could have a car with 150k on it that a 55 year old guy owned and babied its whole life, or you could also have a car with 20k on it that a 17 year old had and beat the living piss out of every day. you just have to do your research and eventually you will find the right car and the right deal.

ROFLMAO, Honda owners pfff.

i had to change my timing belt.

just dont put a turbo on it, ull be fine.