LS13 Project 2008/2009 Updated whenever!

well i have a project in mind most of you know. Ill post pics up on the progress of the car whenever i can.

My car wont be ready for 2008 so i might just spectate at events. but in 2009 she will be 100% ready and taken out to let her rip.

What am i doing?

like my name says. LS13 im putting a smallblock V8 into my S13.
I have the people and the stuff to make it happen its just a matter of time. I know what is needed to do it as i have help from people who know what they are doing.

Im doing it slow till i move to my house in may where i will have a garage that will help me work on my car with ease…

so here it is. car looks like a donkeys ass i admit. but the body work will start may 3rd and she will look sexy as hell and burn rubber like you wish you could

Here are some pics…

The Day my kit arrived… just wanted to see what it looked like.

One not to cold day trying to put her together, my fenders had dents so shawn donated his haha… he wasent to happy…

OHH man my car looked like shit… was nice to have it all on but damn it looked bad

The Day my babies came in… (Black is going to be painted… to old school) I KNOW!! the fenders arent cut… im not at that stage yet… so relax you will see the final product eventually…

Some sexy lip 10" wide 18 inch.

Closer view

Well my car looked like shit with 15 diff colors on it so i asked KAZZ to help me out sand the kit and fenders and prime the car. so he agreed and we did this… NOTE: we did it half ass as it was cold and windy so we agreed to wait till May to do it properly and actually paint the car white. along with the rims a Secret color.

For some stupid reason i dident use KAZZ camera properly and i only managed to take like 5 out of 30 pics… pissed me right off.

More to come in May…

Body work, Chasis re-inforcment, Paint, ETC ETC ETC…

rick… the car’s looking good… priming it really made a difference… and those overfenders are sweet… haha nice and wide…


humm those fenders look fermiliar.

btw rick…

princess auto gauges loool
on my a-piller :stuck_out_tongue:

anyways zep looks good, post some pics of the motor :stuck_out_tongue:

and the front bumper fit well

yah man the bumper fit nice… its still not anywhere to being done. we still have to sand it again make everything fir take shit off and paint it :slight_smile:


I cant wait to get my hands on that kit and fix all the little issues I seen with it… I’m a perfectionist so any little dips etc really PISS ME OFF!!..bah its an improvement anyway and not bad for about 3 hours work…lol

yeh for sure… once i get my new house and can use the garage itll be sweet we can take our time… no wind no cold weather will be great… cant wait to get it painted and the rims on haha specially the motor but patience i know… itll be worth it