LS13 S13 Project some updated pictures..

here is what ive done so far… car still needs work of course but she is comin out nice…

(car is dirty as hell) and the body still needs some ajustments along with the lowering of the rear i still have to lower it about 2 inch more.

From start to Where i am at now.


so ugly

and now

just done that… looks way better i think… what about you?

Very Nice! looks great! What are you going to do with it while you are in the army?

goes in the garage hahaha… and when i get back motor swap etc etc. maybe a better chasis. and then im putting the LS motor in it. if i move to either ottawa or edmonton ill ship it… hoping ottawa so i can still come to meets :slight_smile: and closer to home.

thats a slick looking 240

thats a nice 240 bro. i am still working on mine and only waiting for the paint to be done.
hopefully i will see you guys in next TNC meet.

till then,
have a great time bro.

dude your car looks great man…:drivin

thanx guys… yeh i wont be painting it or anything else anytime soon… i kinda like it how it stands now… :slight_smile:

looks like a satin black paint, very nice car man! :slight_smile:

wish you all the best when your in the army.