bring it. I’ll be in the 10% - thats as “bench race” as I’ll get…

so you’re saying your info is off topic? since we’re talking about a continuous / high rpm engine. wanna talk about your nifty one-time blah blah blah crap? go do it somewhere else where people care. :shrug:

only people who are crying would be you and brent <3

btw if you ever wana do the loop to see who can corner and still be up front…ill show u how its done in my “one time use” “pos” “budget” “fbody” :slight_smile:



I leave this thread with those three words

no crying here, just laughing at sandy-vag domestic owners who think they can build god’s gift to engines for $20.

i am not arguing with the motor issue…and f-bodies can take the loop me and badazz about 120 mph the s-curve section of portion of the loop weaving in and out of lighter more agile cars…BUT the loop definately is not comparable to a close circuit tight corner High cornering load race track

My callout to you from this year will still be valid for 2007. Let’s say 30 laps at Dunnville.

It doesn’t have to be all out crazy wheel to wheel either. I am confident your car isn’t reliable enough to last. I will even let your car start out front, I won’t even try to pass you. I will just sit back and pace you and wait for something on your car get too hot and then when you pull in the pit I win. Plain and simple.

The only question are you going to come up with excuses like you did this year again?




[size=2]taken from here boys and girls[/size]


HEY, JACKASS, I SAID THE LOOP, NOT A TRACK RACE. once again, taking my words and changing them around. my car is not setup to go to the track. its my STREET TOY that i perfer to KEEP that way. even the best of the best go into the wall, and im not risking fucking up my car to prove anything

nothing has changed since i declined that challange last year. my car weighs 4000lbs, it has minimal suspension work, and im not buying a $1000 cooling system to prove shit to u guys. most importantl im not risking going into the wall. do u want to accept my challange? drag race, i give u a 4 second head start? /sarcasm

congradulations u took a tin can, thru a cage and some suspension in it, and now ur sweet :tup:


dude i dunno why you even bother replying to them kids…waste of time

everyone targets for different goals, you cant compare 2 cars that were built for 2 completely different events. For fucks sakes.

I will be more than happy to accept that challenge, if you accept mine.

werd… :tdown: to t3h smug

Didn’t you say not too long ago “I’m not racing on the street it’s fucking stupid”??

This thread is on a downward spiral.

you guys are argueing about too much different shit. Turbo did say he didnt take in account the high rpm, 24 hour race shit. He just said he could build a motor for less and make the same power with less custom of parts than this other company. Is he right or wrong I dont know but get off the guys nuts a lil’ cuz he already said he overlooked the longevity thing and you guys are still ball busting him. argueing about the power amount made is 1 thing but the other thing is beat. Also fairlady there is no point in making callouts and setting up these bets about running on the race track vs cars who do straight line shit. Nobody cares, its not interesting…we already can guess the outcome on both ends. You have more experience and a car more setup for circle shit…he knows that and said he isnt interested in wrecking his expensive street car with his stockish suspension and i dont blame him. And why waste the time lining up at the track to drag. So seriously that shit shud be dropped also.

My 05’ setup still put down more RWTQ :stuck_out_tongue:


in a nut shell

im willing to agree to disagree…im done

o, and, asshole :stuck_out_tongue: …ill catch ya

all this because some assholes had to go and make a sweet c7r…hey dmoff what car do you want me to drive to turn in?..the fbod, the subaru, or the audi?..

Buy mine :wink:

so you’d street race instead?? cuz, you know. that’s so much safer :rant: IDIOT

if you’re talking about my car the suspension is stock… :2fingers: - and I too would gladly take up your 4-sec headstart challenge.

go back to drinking coors light in the can and watching reruns of Dallas and stay off our internets, kthxbye :rant:

all I saw in your sig and avatar was this, my bad, sorry for the assumption.