are you fucking kidding? go crack a case of miller lite cans and drink yourself to bed out of shame. seriously, that splitter is not only uber-functinal but it’s t3h sechs… of course, I’d not expect a Cum-Arrow owner (esp. SS) to understand aerodynamics or for that matter anything that doesn’t exclusively go fast in a straight line… cuz NASCAR is soooo much cooler than ALMS / 24-hr of LeMans.

and it remains unpainted for weight, and also because you don’t want to hide defects / damage with the paint (cracks from stress etc)

Keep in mind that these mills won’t be sitting in a street car that maybe twice a season go WOT - this is for a 24-hr flat-out run. I’d imagine $60K is probably on the low side once you figure in the R&D cost as well.

Personally I like stickers, when it means someone is helping me with the budget.

Yeah, front lips suck. Why would any want low air pressure underneth the car is beyond me :roll:

i agree with 95z28, its just a ri(ed out dumbestic…jap car wanna be with vinyls and CF :stuck_out_tongue:

C6r is stuuupid hot :tup: i would have guessed more than 600hp…is there a hp/tq limit for alms?

:lol: So true.

And TurboLS1, you couldnt touch this engine for less than $40k. I garuntee it. Brent mostly summed up everything I had to say. I garuntee this engine is putting out 800+ hp, which lasts at 9000+rpm for 24 hours of WOT and has the best power under the curve you’ve ever seen.

Around 130k for the motor :eek:

i was saying well over 600RWHP…big difference.

the ONE thing i was wrong about is my design wouldnt be able to do the long lasting 8k stuff (which is a big overlook, i know). other than that, specing an engine to that power is not rocket science

Is that why you paid someone to spec out your simple turbo motor? :mamoru:

i didnt pay anybody to spec out shit smartass

me and jnj conversed on the camshaft

the heads, jnj advised me to get inconel exhaust valves

the camshaft, jnj came up with a couple, and i decided which one. the only thing i didnt know, at the time, was which base circle and lobes to get. and i decided against the original couple proposed shafts

the pistons, i let jnj take care of it because he has his diamond guy he talked to. but trust me, i could have managed telling diamond what i needed :slight_smile:
3mm top ring up, .927" pin, off the top of my head 2.20" journal, 22cc dish, 4.005" bore. WOW, THAT WAS HARD, I NEED TO GO COOL OFF THE MELON

am i happy i talked this combo over with jnj? hell yes, it obviously worked out good. he had some good advice. his prices are great. could i have done it myself? ummm, yeaa. and after the experience i know alot more about lsx engines

but thanks for going off topic, shows how u have nothing to say about it :tup: next time you go to insult somebody, know what the fuck your talking about

There is nothing more to say, you’ve proved that you have no fucking clue what goes into a race engine and seem to think that you can replicate an ALMS engine with off the shelf parts. I think you’ve proved my point perfectly.

ya i dont know shit. my engine obviously sucks. it makes no power and i think i blew it up.

i admitted before that i overlooked the whole ALMS situation, shame on me. but you are defenitely reading too many magazines too think you need all custom one-off parts to make an lsx based engine of that size with that much power

my arguement was more about making more power. obviously im not comparing myself with these guys with all the lightweight, high-revving, high-abuse shit. IVE SAID THAT ALREADY, get over it

its funny how the two most powerful setups here with custom engines that HAVENT BLOWN UP, are mine and chucks… yet i seem to know nothing about what im talking about :shrug:

Just because you can afford to buy shit doesn’t mean you know a lot. What happened to your great STS kit idea?

i didnt know alot last year, i was learning. ive learned ALOT in the last year. hence why i sold it, and bought this current setup for 1k difference. funny thing is i was still decently fast last year. my build is relatively budget, but using the correct parts to make it work, and last. its not like, just because i have a front mount the cars gona be fast. my setup works. im running on par with turbo lsx setups with 100s more hp than myself who have way less weight, and much more advanced suspension/tire setups. these same cars that are one-off custom, big shop builds.

im not making myself out to know “alot” more than everybody else. but i know alot of what works, and what doesnt work. now ur getting in a pissing match with me for some gay reason, trying to prove i dont know shit about lsx setups. all you have to say about it is “wow, you dont know what your talking about, you cant used off the shelf parts…” wow buddy, good arguement. then u attack decisions i made over 2 years ago (with different goals in mind), BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT, AND NO BACKING FOR YOUR STATEMENTS :roll2:

what exactly are you cruising around in that amkes you “the man”?

edit: seems like you have no more argument so you are trying to attack him on a personal level now…makes you pretty manly i reckon.

hmm it looks like this thread is getting there…i have to agree with turbo here…you can make a really really good n/a motor for under 20g and not have anything crazy…

also theres nothing wrong with sts kits it just didnt work for turbo’s car…theres plenty of sts cars running decent times and making decent numbers…2 of which are in rochester(gto, and c5 z06)

also brent strong…you need to get some of your facts right before you go off on people that actually know and build that type of engine…

the c5r motor made around 650hp yes but not at the wheels…its around 550 or so…theres guys making 600+wheel no problems on that gen motor…as for the new motor…until they release numbers i cant really comment…BUT vette doctors has a heads and cam package for the z06 that puts out 645 wheel or so… so it better be a lot higher then that…thats all i got to say…also i know a bunch of people that could if they really wanted to get there hands on this motor…

Justin you of all people know that a high revving race motor maknig a decent bit of power is no where near an engine on the street making that amount of power. Brent strong knows his shit, like he said, making power doesnt necessarily mean you know what the hell you’re doing. Any idiot can order parts and spec things together.

im not saying that the motor that joe shmoe could put together would compare longevity, reving,ect ect…i was just saying the power level could be attained…but the power band, response, ect ect wouldnt be anywhere close, to that of a street engine…but like i said i will really comment when the specs are released…which may never happen…when those are released my real opinion comes out…

also you stopping by the shop with phil on friday?

Glad we’re on the same page, and Yes Sir, I’ll be there :slight_smile:

sustained, under heavy cornering load (have fun w/ oiling) for numerous hours on end?

didn’t think so.

the mere fact that Brent is NOT cruising around in a mullet-mobile F-Body POS means he earns “the man” title over all of you stupid rednecks. :ohnoes:

Making good power for a few sec’s in the burnout box and then 6-12 seconds after that means fuck-all compared to 24 hours straight minus fueling stops. Oh, not to mention that whole left-and-right-turns thing, but I forgot, you guys wouldn’t get that one either.

lol. ummm, pat (psycopjv) is ALL ABOUT ripping thru corners. more so than straight line. i bet he’d take 90% of all ou guys who talk a big game in one of ur road race gigs.

as for my statements, im done argueing with idiots. because if it doesnt cost 23940820$, its junk, if it does, my daddy payed for it and you cant afford it, if it makes alota power, your pussies hurt and the car obviously cant take corners, if it doesnt make alota power, its weak, etc etc etc. its a never ending battle…


no matter what i say, you einsteins keep saying im wrong, but have nothing to back up your words.