Lucas Oil Stabilizer.

Is anybody familiar with this stuff? I have some sitting in my garage. The instructions don’t really go into much detail of how much to use. Also any pros/cons about this product?

Very good stuff, coats better than any other oil, use half the bottle every oil change.
Definitely a Pro.

i use 600ml in the tranny and 400ml in the dif. 1 bottle. works pretty good, smooths things up a bit and helps stop the oil from breaking down. if your going to change the oil frequently though i wouldnt bother with it

I beg to differ… check it out


good link. im curious how much he put in though. so it distributes the oil better but lubricates worse?

that’s very interesting, i’ll change my oil 800km into break as usual tho. Lucas is a great assembly lube, t’s so damn sticky and makes for dry start almost imposible. But seeing this, i won’t be adding it to oil and will be showing my manager’s at work this comparison. I don’t feel good selling a product to people that states one thing and really does another

i have 1 beef, he doesnt state how much of each he puts in, with lucas you are supposed to use like what 1/4 of the 1L bottle in ur engine and then you put whatever your engine requires say 3L or whatever

now did that guy do half lucas half oil?

or did he actually put in an amount that would equal what would be put in a full engine, because that 3L of other oil might prevent the bubbling…

but who knows, i only used lucas once with no problems, though we did put a nice amount into waynes tranny last year :stuck_out_tongue: