Lucky kid or not so lucky?

What a great sentence: The boy said he had sex with the teacher while they were in Lexington, a meatpacking town that has seen a large influx of Mexican immigrants.,2933,308976,00.html

“It didn’t happen that many times,” he said. “It happened maybe twice, I think.” and like a 8th grader… wouldnt be sure how many times… paaalease…

Not so lucky… look at her.

She was hungry for a hotdog

yeah,and he’s stuck in mexico now and speaks limited spanish, haha

who cares, boning is universally recognized.

An illegal mexican immigrant that speaks more english than spanish is more amazing to me than the fact that the teacher and kid hooked up.

Yeah honestly, wtf is going on with our country?

you want them to speak english and now they do :rofl:

I’d hit it yo!


not so lucky.