Lucky Louis

Its on HBO anyone else seen that its fucking funny as hell!

ehh it has its moments. the last two episodes have been getting better

every episode gets better then the last the first one sucked the one where lou goes to aa was funny as hell at the end when they guy talks about doing old people

seen the first 2 and was bored with it.

if you weren’t so into Entourage, I’d call out your taste in television. Lucky Louie > *

wait. Dawson’s Creek. nevermind.

I think its pretty funny.
I saw Louie C.K. do his new routine on saturday in nyc at Carolines on broadway. Extrememly vulger and Funny.

ive watched a few episodes after entourage, its pretty funny

Entourage > *

I love the show, my gf hates it… but she likes flavor of love and celeb. fit club so… :nuts: It’s funny that Kim does the voice of Bobby Hill too :wtf:

i dont have HBO here in Jersey :frowning:

Entrouge is the shit, but Lucky Louie is funny as fuck also.