Long read here so grab a coffee:
On or around the 1st of august i stumbled across this wonderful S20 site after looking for a while for info on my B14. After hours spent on this site i have sourced out and selected products i wanted to pick up for my 98 200sx SE-R. One of these retailers was Liuspeedtuning.com. After looking at my budget and walking threw the site i had my wallet fixed on a pair of Steath Crystal Corners, a Luciano Grill and a Fiberglass lip.
After a few emails regarding me living in canada and the shipping cost of the lip i made a paypal transaction on Aug. 9, 2005 to pay for evertyhing listed except for extra shipping for the lip. Once it was made, we would determine how much it would extra it would take to ship the lip.
After the next few weeks the gril and corners came in a prompt fasion. All good quality products. He was out of Luciano emblems but agreed to send me one when they came in from his supplier. I was told it would take 4-6 weeks for the completion of the lip and he would email me when it was complete. This is where things take a turn for the worst.
Sept 29 2005 i sent a email regarding the status of the lip because it should have been a sufficent time for it to be completed. Same day a reply is sent saying it is completed and he will need the extra shipping as discused to ship it to canada. Fine, same day i sent another email reqesting the amount extra so i could paypal it right away.
Within the course of the next week emails were sent from me with no return. I was 110% willing to pay the extra i just needed to know how much. I was very clear in every email saying i was ok with this. After sevral emails at this point i became very frustrated and sent him a very polite and courtious email on Monday, October 24, 2005 requesting to recieve the my money back for the lip because it is no good to me now. The car is in storage and i need the money.
Tue, 25 Oct 2005, i recieve a email from him saying it has been sent. I send a reply for a tracking number and all in one day he sent me one. 575645510000004 fedex Great i am getting somewhere. Wait…
November 7th 2005, still nothing and still the tracking number he gave me says it hasn’t beem picked up to ship yet. So i email Fedex enquiring what is going on thinking it is there fault. The lady informs me that They said the package wasnt even picked up yet. The barcode was submitted on line but the package was never picked up or delivered to fedex The package wasn’t even sent yet!! I was MAD. So i imediatly send a email to him. It was a firm and to the point letter without me speaking in a childish manner. I was respectful yet to the point. I told him i expected a complete refund in my paypal account within 48hours of my email or i was going to contact authorities and forums ect…
Imediatly after sending my email i recieve a reply from him. This is what it read…
i dont lie to no one… i just got off the phone with fedex as well… it is
one thing that you calling me a liar and a fraud… things like this to
canada takes time these are all custom work to be done. Your package has
been picked up and it is in transit. I dont fraud anyone so you are being
unreasonable. If i would have frauded you would i have answer all your
emails ? if i would have frauded you how the hell can you reach me all the
time with my direct number . I give you my word that the package will get
you. Also when you purchased from me you agreed to the terms and conditions
from my website.
I have and never will fraud anyone… custom stuff takes time and as stated
on my website these are custom made to order.
So please be more patient and the package will get to you.
Again more lies. After the email i called fedex again and a different gentleman told me the same thing that the lady told me before. All lies. Then i check the website and low and behold the terms and conditions or on the FRONT PAGE. But not a hour before sending the email. I entered the website to get the phone number and there was no mention of no terms or conditions anywere i could see and more specificly it was NOT on the front page.
So after reading his email i send another email with my findings on the fedex website. I also stated my request still stands and i expect my money back or i will be contacting authorties ect.
November 8th 2005 he sent me a email that was moderatly offensive and unprofesional telling my that it is still in transit and to basicly suck it up.
So thinking that i am going to get the lip even though i dont need it i watch the tracking number carefully. Nothing happens. The finaly on November 8th 2005 i see some activity. Its on the move. Then comes the improper paperwork messages. Then finally it moves again from CA to TX then back to plano tx where it came from. WTF did he ship a package to himself.
At this point i am angry as i could be. I am not some rich high roller that could just let $250 USD slip from my fingers and chalk it up in the lesson learned colum. So now today Nov 27th 2005 i finally have taken action. 114 days after sending payment. After sending numerous emails nothing.
I will be posting this email on every forum that google shows after searching for “nissan+forum”. I have contacted the IFCC division of the FBI. I have filed a claim with the Plano Police department. Coming monday morning i will also file a civil small claims court claim and have my lawyer talk to the DA in plano.
After all this i hope things turn out best for the both of us. All i wanted was the $250 back for the goods i did not recieve. Now there is a whole can of worms that has opened up and by the looks of things its going to be more expensive to his business than that. Sorry for the long post guys i just wanted to paint a accurate pictures.
PS sorry for the spelling errors too its been a long day.