Lumber Car v2.0

lol fucking Clark Griswald

and hes got the handicapped tag too, which i bet he isnt even handicapped.

wow eviction sucks! :rubicant:


it’s a roadmaster :cjerk:

LOL, notice the drag mark on the pavement from his hitch. No tail lights visible from behind. Nice.


did u see it pull away? or is this from some1 else?

it looks like he may be stuck there. the hitch/deck look grounded

Low… ridah… rides a little higha

What in the hell. How did it even get that far.

Too poor to rent a UHaul?

I hope he won some sort of bet for that.

I can just picture the old geezers wife being like…u will never pack our entire house into that car…to which he replies…I’ll show you…50 years of being married and she still doesnt trust me…and then him being so proud and her being embarassed to ride in it.

Or her having no room to ride in it, one of the two.

thats alot of duct tape


…hes got the handicapped tag too, which i bet he isnt even handicapped.


Look at the thing, this guy is certainly hanidapped.



thats alot of duct tape


which would prob equal the costs of a u-haul haha

must be a rough ride