Mac and MS

WTH are you talking about .edu discount? I graduated 4+ years ago from UB. There is no alumni discount or shipping here according to my knowledge. LOL

1.8 GHZ Core Duo
80G HD
13" Screen
2GB Cache
512 RAM
Quite a bit of software pre-loaded
OS 10.4
Wireless card
blah blah blah

Mine came to a hair less than $1100 delivered. (Don’t forget I am in FL)

To me this thing has quite a bit, and probably more than I will use. In comparison to some of the Vaios I was lookin at, this was a hell of a deal.

So, loaded is a base model with an upgraded hard drive? That’s like calling a cavalier with leather LUXURY.

What more do I need? None. Even the expensive macs are WWAAAAY more than what I need.

So, let me get this straight. Are you a person that needs all of the best of the best stuff? You seem real up on down playing. Seriously. I am content with my purchase and what I am getting. It works fien for me. I do not need a Lamborghini, when I am city driving all the time. Understand bro?

No harm, no foul.

I didn’t say it wasn’t a good computer, you’re arguing a totally different point. I called your bullshit saying you got a “loaded” macbook for $1100. That isn’t true.

Apparently my opinion and yours differ from loaded. It is more than what I need as is. No need to waste more money IMHO. I can spend the extra $500-1000 else where. :slight_smile:

That is like you may think Lambos and Porsches are exotic cars because you never see them. I see them daily down here, so it is not a big of deal and I view it as excessive. EOS

Yeah, my opinion of loaded isn’t the company’s cheapest model. For the record, I have a similar setup and it does me well, I just don’t shit on other people’s macbook sales.

I wasn’t shitting on your sale. You where hijacking my thread. If you had given some usefull info and posted that blurb then it would not have been a pissing match.

now all of you NYSpeed members know why I dont associate with the rochester car crowd. they act like this ALL THE TIME on roclife :tdown:

congrats on purchasing a new mac book, i plan on doing so soon so i can have something to bring around with me

I have it now, and am on it. OS X is a different animal all together n comparison to Windows. Unreal. I have fumbled through some stuff, but not too bad.

My Macbook is still being “repaired.”

Enable two finger right clicking. :slight_smile:

Yup that was teh 1st thing I did. LOL

is it in due to the known problem with the logic boards?

There’s a known problem with the logic board?

My 4 key never worked correctly. Then it wouldn’t boot.

Then I took it to the Apple store to get repaired. Fixed, but the trackpad button wasn’t working properly.

So I sent it to Apple. It’s been there since Tuesday.

I hope the hindges don’t break on your beloved macbook.

I hope you learn to type/spell :wink: :wink: :wink:

There was/is a known problem w/ the MacBook (non pro) re: the heatsink causing overheating iirc, the iBook was the infamous logic board issue (granted, Apple extended everyone’s warranty and covered it for free, etc, more power to them).


Congrats on the new laptop though, they are quite nice compared to many of the other laptops I see pass through all day. A bitch to repair though, biggest issue is above said over-heating issue. Mostly due to the usage of cheap thermal-tape.

Actually, once I updated … whatever … it was running at a warm 51 degrees C