mac people

^ :lol

So Linux FTW!!!

haha i’ve worked on mac’s version of OSX since i got my laptop, I graduated with a degree in graphic design, i like the graphics better on a mac then if i were doing them on a pc. i think the layout of mac’s are much easier for me to navigate… safari is much faster then internet explorer too:lol

I just downloaded it. So far I like it.

:rofl thats just a “theme” that makes windows look like an OSX, your still using windows 100%

Legaly you cannot use OSX on anything other than a MAC.

If you just tried to install a copy of OSX on your pc chances are it wouldent work, you have to have specific hardware and a bios mod to get OSX to run 100% on anything other than a MAC

you can downlaod copies of OSX that have been pre modified off torrents but they always have some sort of issue that prevents from a full working experiance, and always have compatibility issues

There are a few companies that sell custom build machines with OSX on the cheap that work 100% and are anywhere from 600 bucks to 2k… but their getting shut down quickly due to mac sueing them.

There are websites out there that list the hardware that you can use that will be 100% compatible with mac so you can load osx with no issues.


What’s this “MAC” that you speak of?!

chrome owns ie 8 lmfao… ie8 is slow bloated and crashes on me all the time… chrome is fast as hell, has yet to crash on me. ive yet to try it on my macbook pro but im sure ill be just as happy with it on my mac as i am on the winblows box

Stop with this ignorance. IE8 is widely use in corporate. I have it on 6 PCs without issues. I am sure some have issues just like some have issues with MAC.

To even compare it to Chrome is ridiculous. Chrome is a stripped down browser using a very small function set when compared to a full feature browser such as FF, IE, etc. If you want to compare speed, go back to IE5.

sorry would apple computers or macintosh be more appropriate?

remember when apples were actually refered to as apples, those were the good old days before fags started buying them :cry:

You killed my funny. :shifty