Macbook Pro

Macbook pro thats two years old . Laptop was sitting on the fouton when a dog urinated on it . It stopped working and was brought to the apple store in crossgates mall . The associate said that it could be fixed and that the screen should work . The battery is dead (needs to be charged). There is no hard drive included in the computer. email at text or call 5185734757.

250 obo

400 for a computer that was pissed on and “should work” sounds like a Good deal to me

Why are you always such a prick ? Get the fuck out of this thread .

*should means it was working before it got pissed on *

I’m not always a prick. It just seems a little crazy for asking that kinda money for a broken computer. More power to you I suppose if you can get $400 for basically a brick.

Just don’t comment on any of my shit. You never have anything good to say .

This gives me a reason to continue to fuck with you. Ill stop because I don’t want to get you any more upset though and ruin your sale

not to jump on the dick train, but if you get 400 for this give them my number, i have a 17" macbook pro thats really old and needs the whole bottom half of the case replaced but still turns on that i’ll sell to an idiot.

A 2012 mint one for $650, or a 2010 with no hard drive, that a dog urinated on for $400. Tough choice, hmmm…

$400 :rofl

“should work” made me LOL

$20…SRSLY. You are better off giving it to these guys.

Duke, personally, I prolly would have left out the dog urination part… Lol

How much does your dog piss?


:rofl :rofl :rofl at least he was honest about the piss.

haha was NOT alot. She was running and peeing at the same time.

New price 250


Good man