Made front page in the North Journal (Post Gazette)

I’m the 2nd one from the left in the pic.

The audio clip cuts straight to the core

that’s fretty fucking cool - good story on the teacher. :bigthumb:

All i got to do in high school was rebuild a stupid ass lawnmower engine. :slight_smile:

We did that too. In 10th grade.

The restoration takes place in 11th (advanced) and 12th (senior) Power Tech classes. Well, it did anyway. Damn the school for discontinuing the Program. I’m so pissed about it. Gave the school board directors a piece of my mind.

Edit: For the record, it has taken 5-6 years of 11th and 12th graders working on the truck to get it where it is today. Got auctioned off, and is now owned by a fella in Hampton.

What did they do with the proceeds from sale of the truck?

they finally completed the truck ,they had that truck when i was there

wow that is sad that those types of programs don’t exist. that looked like a great opportunity for any student.

That truck was donated by one of my best friend’s family way back when. I remember his pap had us recover it from the barn which has since collapsed. Talk about old school…I was still in grade school. You guys did a nice job with it. :bigthumb:

Awesome man…cool to see yourself in the paper. Seemed like a cool project. I had a Power and Energy class in HS…I like it so much I took it all 4 years, learned how to weld, work on small motors, built a few go-karts and a ton of other cool stuff.

Sounds like a great teacher and program.

Edit: Just read the end and saw the power technology program will not be continued. That sucks.

Well since the Power Tech Programs are now discontinued, I believe the proceeds are just being given to the school. If the programs were still in place, I think the money would be going to our next project. (Which we had in primer ready to paint and the engine in already.)

I read that article this weekend. That truck was there when I went too. My class finished the Healey. It’s sad that Mr. Stoffel is retiring he was an awesome teacher. Truck looks good.

the real question is where the other hands of all the gentlemen in the back of the truck are.

Quaker Valley really needs to get into this type of stuff

He sounds like he was a great teacher that motivated many. Congrats on his retirement.

There are some more pics.

I remember the Healey with the 'Maro V6. That wasn’t too long ago.