Tell me how this makes sense?

I dunno I watched a couple BMW cash for clunker engine destruction video’s and then came on this one

Just seems retarded, in many ways.

What is you question?

WTF there is nothing wrong with that truck. I would have bought it for 4500

probably had 300k on it… probably traded it for a dodge ram… probably got 9k for it when they double the reward.

What a waste.

I saw tons of nice trucks at the junkyard that would probably have outlasted the new cars that they are being replaced with. Sad really. I didn’t really care about the rows of Blazers and Explorers and such, but I saw a bunch of really clean F-series that I would have gladly rocked for a Home Depot hauler. I did snag an empty bottle of this for display in the garage:

How does the goverment know that the engines have been destroyed? Like is it possible that some dealerships are keeping some of the good condition cars and reselling them? Or will the vin numbers be in a system and labled destroyed?

Guess I dont have much of a question really. Just general disbelief at the cash for clunkers program. Funny how none of this happened before the govt. had ownership in the car companys. Funny how these vechicles are destroyed, leaking fluids and buring oil in the meantime but this is all supposedly for the good of the environment (which some of these vechicles destroyed are only being replaced by a vechicle that gets 1 mpg better). Funny how a 01 F250 super duty or some of these bmw’s are considered clunkers. Id just call it a 2nd car company bailout. I guess id like someone to explain to me how this program makes sense, other than an artificial and temporary economy booster…that is once again funded by taxpayers money.

this engines being destroyed thing is dumb. just pull titles and hotlist vins / engine codes.

then the powertrain is useless, and so is the chassis

Fuck,I want a nice navigator for $4500.I’d rock quite a bit of that as a DD/Winterbeater.

Yea, how much fucking energy was used to make those trucks, and how much is wasted not by us just destroying them.

Wana know why the “green” movement is a bunch of fucking idiots?

So far the three best ideas are:

  • turn our food into fuel (ethanol)
  • destroy perfectly good vehicles to get better fuel milage
  • stick windmills on every piece of land we have, making little actual energy

Wow, I guess going green is going to really save the planet at this pace.

All I can say is I am glad we have video of this because future generations would not believe the govt actually did something like this.

It is nice to see all of the fluids and smoke pouring out.:bloated:

We have an economy where we steal the future, sell it in the present, and call it GDP.

but the current ‘green’ initiatives are GARBAGE!!! you destroy cars and the replacement might only get 1mpg better. Do you think that 1mpg difference over the life of the car makes up for building it? no way jose!

Well, 4mpg. But yeah, any “environmental” gains from this is make believe.

I’m sure this will make all the difference.

I don’t think I’d go that far. 2/3rds of the pollution from automobiles come from “old cars”, many of which are exempt from emissions test because they’re old. The stuff coming out of the tailpipe of a brand new car, even a full sized truck, is extremely clean and far better than cars from as little as 5 years ago.

And I completely understand the engine destruction. Simply hot listing vins isn’t going to prevent these engines from ending up in another vehicle. If you want proof look at how many stolen honda engines that are running around in the street racing crowd. By destroying the engine you guarantee you don’t take one clunker off the road and put another one right back on using it’s old engine.

I live in Houston and see so many very very clean bodied cars and trucks lined up to get crushed, brakes my heart.

So far I the only cars worth mention were:
90’s Impala SS
80’s silverado with 32K miles
~99 Escalade
80’s elcamino SS

I must say, this Dominance guy is still new to regular posting, but appears well on the path to sucking.

there should have been a crusher right at the end of the assembly line for these
