Major Changes...

…I am indescribably nervous, excited, worried and just plain beat at the moment.

The last 6-8mo. I’ve been working at Google for a contracting company. The pay is “okay” the people are good and the job is alright. It’s not exactly rewarding or challenging, but it’s also low stress and rather easy. The perks being at Google are amazing (all the free food etc.) but as mentioned I contract so I don’t get Google stock or anything. I do get nice benefits through my contracting company though. All-in-all I’m relatively happy with the job but it’s not allowing me full financial freedom (keep in mind a 1 bedroom apt. here is about $1200-1600/mo) so I’m stuck w/ roomates etc.

I have 2 chances to move over to Cisco. I have friends in two different groups, both of whom are fairly convinced they can get me on-board. I’m exceedingly nervous about both rolls though since they are networking based and my education/experience is in coding. I have a prelim. “meeting” tomorrow at 11am that has me more stressed than I can remember being… ever. The hours would be rough, the stress high, and the pressure great. But the pay would be at least double what I make. Further, it’d be far more challenging and rewarding.

I’m not posting to ask if I should go for it, because I am. I guess I’m just putting my thoughts to bytes to help make sense of it all.

On top of that I’m in the middle of two car deals. I have a deal almost finished on selling my car, and a deal to buy an amazing '02 Z06 done all-but getting the $ from my Z/28. Dealing w/ banks, buyers, sellers etc. the last week has been far from fun.

Then there’s my gf, who I do Love and am very serious about. We’re talking about moving in together and I really do look forward to it. But there’s always that bit of apprehension about taking a step that big.

Basically my life could be very, very different in the very, very near future. All for the better, but a lot to think about none-the-less.


eh fuck it go for it all you only live once right?

u seem like a person that has there head on straight, dont stress it man, and yes, u only live once dude, go for it, get the job, get the Z06 and move in wtih the girly

What he said. Seems like you weighed the options.

All in?

exciting times my brother! Congrats on taking the initiative. I’m sure everything will work out well for you.

Who killed darkstar, and stole his computer? :eek4:


if someone did i owe them many :beer:'s


lemme get this straight…

new job, with more pay and rewards… but you have double the work, the back up is you stay where you’re at which makes you happy

new car, or if all deals fall through, you keep the z28… which makes you happy

move in with girl, more time together, see how strong the bond really is… or donot move and live with roomates, which sounds bearable

and these make you nervous… shit, i’d hate to see you in times of trouble. mellow out and realize that your worse case scenario’s are better than 3/4s of the worlds best days.

TJ is mah old school nigga.

you still owe me many :bj:'s

Dude, CIsco is soooo $$$$$$. Best of luck.

Go interview w/ a CXO at Cisco w/o being nervous, then come talk to me. It’s not all as simple as you make it sound.


Oh Fo Sho Ho. Now punch this rookee kid in the chops for me.


good luck

chill out, i’m saying that only GOOD can come of all this :jerkit:

if you’re this nervous about a simple interview… then how are you going to perform under real pressure?

i guess idon’t know the nature of your job… but i’d say fuck it man… be like me and just go and interview with no regrets and no worries… you have a job you like and can continue without problems… why get all tense over something that has no impact good or bad EXCEPT invoked by your personal choices.

go to cisco, interview and get a better understanding of what you’d do… and see if they offer the job… if not, just pretend it nevre happened.

someone punch this fshowcars in the face :mrT: :kekegay: