make your own puzzle!

probably the ‘gayest’ picture of me… ever.

yep, thats pretty gay

I got it. I figured it would be kind of easy to do.

However, what I wasn’t expecting was the massive errection that followed. How do suggest that I get rid of it?

c’mon now newman… you’ve done worse.

someone else make one!

okay, two games in one: first solve puzzle.
second, tell me what I googled to make the image.

winner gets a club sandwich built by beck’s dad! :wiggle:

ready - go…

You definately are pretty gay.

I haven’t finished it, and I see :

2 homosexual poses.

a pink shirt

newman making a face

newman’s bullet belt

i finished the other one, but i have no idea what you googles… “asian AND bullshit”?

lmao, not quite.

sandwich still up for grabs.

and for the irish people:

yea, nothing says “im irish” like a porta potty

it’s the pot o’gold…


Wow, I don’t think I’ve seen a hetero looking picture of you yet.:hay:

That took me way longer than I will ever admit…

you have to stick it in a vagina

oh man… there really arent any. i have a bunch of pictures of me kissing girls… but there are also a few pictures of me kissing boys… im straight tho, i swear. :stuck_out_tongue:

something to do with china?! chinese person, great wall of china, and some fancy chinese architecture.

im way too lazy to put those puzzels together

Don’t feel bad…

And Newman, you look hot dude…:mamoru: